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Employers who offer their employees transportation services in Dubai have several advantages for their company. Providing these benefits can help your company with the following:
• Recruiting and retaining employees
• Minimise payroll taxes
• Improve customer access to services and goods
• Extend service hours
• Minimise emissions and energy savings
• Demonstrating the company's support for work-life balance
• Help with public transport
• Enhance your reputation as an environmentally and employee friendly company
Maintaining employee bus rental companies in Dubai:
Companies that want to offer their employees bus rental in Dubai benefits have many options when designing a program. They can:
• Participate in a recognised supplemental transportation benefits program that allows employees to set aside the cost of transportation or carpooling before tax, or subsidise their employee expenses and deduct the cost as an employee benefit
• Work with local transport providers to inform your employees about alternative transport options for travelling to work.
• Join a transportation management association, a non-profit membership organisation representing employers and business owners committed to reducing traffic congestion and commute dependency
• Support carpooling for employees by sponsoring car, bus or truck pools.
• Designate a person to represent an employee transportation coordinator.
• Work with other local employers to form a transportation consortium and jointly advocate for carpooling or access to discounted tickets for employees.
• Offer telecommuting and flexible work schedules to reduce congestion and associated air pollutants.
The economic downturn brings more opportunities for transportation services:
Over the past year, working families have seen their savings dwindle and, in many cases, their job security threatened. Finding ways to save money and cover everyday living expenses is a hallmark of these times. Many workers have significantly reduced or eliminated their car travel and have switched to public transport to get to work.
According to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), public transportation use reached its highest level since 1956 in 2008. In addition to the cost savings from lower fuel and parking costs, these commuters are promoting access to public transportation and reducing environmental impacts from carbon emissions and congestion.
Financial incentives for employers
Forward-thinking employers, concerned about the negative impact of the economic downturn on their employees, have recognised that a cost-effective way to help employees is through recognised additional transport benefits. This benefit provides employers with a tool to subsidise their employees' transport during these lean times to reduce travel costs.
Companies and employees who support and utilise shared commuting can now claim greater tax benefits.
Five steps you can take to support your employees during these difficult times
• Support ridesharing to reduce the financial impact of travel for your employees.
• Assign an employee to develop, implement and manage carpooling program.
• Subsidise your employees' travel through the Qualified ICR transportation Benefit programs as well as vouchers and bus passes.
• Take advantage of partnering with other companies or transportation management associations to develop company-specific transportation solutions.
• Learn how companies like yours have implemented innovative programs.
Commuter benefits: improving your financial situation.
Commuter benefit plans vary in scope, and employers can design plans based on the desired level of employee participation and specific needs. Programs can be informal initiatives that encourage employees to set up carpooling schemes, or highly structured schemes that are managed by specific employees. Either way, by offering commuter benefits, your company can positively impact employee travel decisions, create a more productive work environment, improve employee retention, and demonstrate your company's commitment to clean air in the community.
Save your company money!
• Thousands of deenars in hiring and training costs can be saved by offering a commuter benefits plan to employees, many of whom are struggling with rising travel costs. One study found that it costs companies an average of 25% of the position's annual salary to replace an employee plus 25% of the cost of benefits. When you factor in the indirect costs of advertising, recruiting and training new employees, not to mention the loss of productivity, it can cost a company as much as 150 per cent of annual salary to replace an employee.
• Encourage commuting habits among employees to reduce commute time and tardiness, thereby increasing employee productivity.
• Save money on the overheads of maintaining on-site car parks and garages by encouraging bike sharing to commute to work and building more car parks to cater for the growing number of employees.
• Reduce payroll taxes by allowing employees to deduct travel expenses from their taxes.
Improve the company's ability to attract and retain employees.
• Offer comprehensive benefits, including commuter programs, to retain and recruit the most qualified employees.
• Create a more diverse workforce and a more positive work environment by attracting employees who would not otherwise be able to commute to your location.
• Establish your company as a positive and innovative place to work.
• Demonstrate that your company supports work-life balance, which is extremely important in today's workforce.
• Use the commuter tax credit as an affordable way to provide employees with a net pay increase
• Reduce employee stress and improve employee morale and satisfaction by encouraging less stressful commuting options.
• Encourage carpooling and other forms of shared travel by providing a guaranteed ride home plan. Many employers across the country offer this type of program, often providing free rides home to registered carpoolers and vanpoolers in certain emergency situations (e.g., sick child, family emergency). Knowing that this option is available, many employees consider carpooling rather than driving to work alone.
• Offer benefits to employees to shorten their weekly schedules or telecommute. Fluctuating gasoline prices reached an all-time high in 2008, prompting many companies to come up with new ways to keep employees happy.
Increase customer access to the business.
• Improving accessibility between businesses and customers by reducing traffic congestion and providing more on-site parking ensures faster delivery of goods and services.
• Extend the company's hours of service without significantly increasing costs by allowing staff to work flexible or staggered hours, providing more staff and better customer service.
Support local community development.
• Support local transport systems and community economic development goals by encouraging employees to use public transport.
• Give employees with more disposable income the opportunity to invest in their community by providing a low-cost means of travelling to work.
Promote environmental awareness in your company.
• Invite employees to make a positive impact on the environment by using public transport or walking or cycling to work.
Are you thinking about introducing shuttle services in your organisation? Contact us at our site: icr.ae and one of our experts will be able to help you.

03-04-24 - 12:00 Start date
30-04-24 - 12:00 End date
12 60A Street - Al Fahidi - Dubai - United Arab Emirates