Screen printable functionalized graphene ink

Screen printable functionalized graphene ink

Graphene is a carbon based material which is inherently inert and which does not like to mix with, or bond to, other materials. Its excellent properties can only be fully realized when this fundamental hurdle is overcome, and it can be properly dispersed and covalently bonded into matrices such as inks via a process known as functionalization*.To get more news about galvanized steel wire mesh, you can visit official website.

To enable scientists and printers to develop their own processes and products, Goodfellow is offering screen printable ink containing plasma functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelets from Haydale.

Typical uses include: Light flexible displays, plastic electronics, printed circuit boards, thin film photovoltaics, e-paper, sensors, electrodes and OLEDs.

These inks are intended for research and industrial use by trained personnel. It is important for workers to avoid overexposure to chemicals contained in these products. Always consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and product labels before using the products. Keep product container closed when not in use to prevent solvent evaporation and spilling hazard.

How do you know you're selecting the appropriate screen printing mesh (fabric) for the design you need to burn on your silkscreen frame.
This first sentence is a mouthful, and depending on your level of experience not an easy question to answer. As a general rule, you would like to select the mesh count that capture all the detail of your design while putting down the most amount of ink while printing.

Here is a quick chart to help you narrow down the mesh count ranges. We use round number, as many manufacturers modify their thread count by a number, or two for sales purposes.


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