Importance of PoC, prototype, and MVP in software application

To execute a custom software application development process properly, implementing PoC, prototype, or MVP is required. Read the blog to know the reasons

As per statistics, approx. 65% of custom software application development projects fail due to a lack of proof of concept, prototype, and MVP. For any startup, navigating through the complexities of the software development process can be daunting. There are several decisions to make and things to consider with limited resources. 


PoC, prototype, and MVP help startups minimize risks, manage operations, and save software development costs. In this blog, we will discuss key differences between PoC, prototype, and MVP and how they help in custom software application development. Let’s get started. 


For startups seeking to embark on their software development journey, partnering with a reputable custom software development company can significantly enhance their chances of success. These companies offer specialized expertise, industry experience, and tailored solutions to meet the unique requirements of each project.


What is PoC in software development?

As the name suggests, PoC or Proof of Concept refers to a unique approach that helps businesses validate a project idea. PoC in software development mainly aims to showcase the core features and functionalities of a software system. Major purposes of using Proof of Concept include: 


  1. Technical feasibility evaluation: Evaluate whether the development process can be implemented with the available resources & technologies.


  1. Show viability: Demonstrate to stakeholders including clients, decision-makers, and investors that the project idea or concept is viable.


  1. Minimize risks: Use the Proof of Concept to address potential risks, technical limitations, and challenges early.


  1. Gather feedback: PoC allows stakeholders to seamlessly refine and enhance the project idea before investing in full-scale software development.


What is a prototype in software development?

In custom software application development, a prototype refers to a unique visual representation of a software system that shows how the product will look like. It’s a preliminary model or version of software that showcases all features and functionalities. In terms of complexity levels, prototypes may significantly vary, ranging from wireframes or sketches to more functional & interactive representations. Major purposes of using prototypes include:


  1. Requirements validation: Prototypes enable stakeholders to interact and visualize the software solution. This helps in refining and simplifying project requirements.


  1. User feedback: Prototypes help to collect feedback from stakeholders and end-users early in the software development process. This enables iterative improvement & refinement.


  1. Risk mitigation: Prototypes are used to address usability issues, technical challenges, and other risks early. This leads to an error-free software development process.


  1. Time & cost saving: By addressing and identifying risks before development, prototypes help to improve the overall development speed and reduce costs. 


What is MVP in software development?

MVP is known as the Minimum Viable Product that comes with the core features of a software system. MVP development helps to verify the software's feasibility and probable usability based on the latest market demands. It simplifies the manual solving of user pain points without publishing the final product. Major purposes of using Minimum Viable Products include:


  1. Faster time to market: No doubt, traditional software launches usually require a long development life cycle as compared to MVP software. Shorter cycles mean businesses using MVP will get to market more quickly than the competitors.


  1. Risk mitigation: An MVP contains only core features that help to find user pain points and errors efficiently. This minimizes the overall risk of investing resources into developing software that may not align with all user needs.


  1. Feedback gathering: An MVP helps to collect real-time feedback from the users regarding product performance and usability. This allows developers to make well-informed decisions about future software development efforts. 


PoC vs Prototype vs MVP: Key differences

PoC, Prototype, and MVP are used interchangeably. However, they have plenty of differences in terms of functionalities, scopes, objectives, and other factors. Let’s have a look at the complete comparison of PoC, Prototype, and MVP.






Explore the feasibility and viability of an idea.

Visualize & test the design functionality 

Launch a product with core functionalities to gather feedback.

No of functionalities

Limited functionalities

Multiple functionalities

Minimum viable features


Concept validation

Product design and development

Pre-launch stage

Development phase

Initial phase

Testing an idea & technical feasibility

Mid phase

Redefining user experience

Final phase

Converting into a deployable product

User Interaction





Lower scopes

Broad scopes

Larger scopes


Short duration


Long term

Risk mitigation

Addresses technical and conceptual risks

Eliminates design and usability risks

Reduces market and business risks 

Resource investment

Low & moderate


Moderate & high


Final words

In custom software development services, implementation of PoC, Prototype, and MVP is limitless. They help startups manage the entire software development process with full confidence, determination, and agility. In today’s dynamic business landscape, PoC, Prototype, and MVP serve as a compass to guide startups on the voyage toward long-term business growth.

christie marie

48 Blog posts
