Mastering Cryptography: A Comprehensive Guide and Sample Assignments

Looking for help with cryptography assignments? Explore master-level questions and expert solutions on

Welcome, cryptography enthusiasts and students seeking help with cryptography assignment! In today's digital age, the significance of cryptography cannot be overstated. From securing sensitive information to enabling secure communication over the internet, cryptography plays a pivotal role in safeguarding data and ensuring privacy.

At, we understand the complexities students often face when tackling cryptography assignments. That's why we're here to offer expert assistance and provide comprehensive solutions to your cryptography challenges. In this post, we'll delve into some master-level cryptography questions and provide detailed solutions crafted by our experienced experts.

So, whether you're struggling to understand cryptographic algorithms or need guidance on solving complex encryption puzzles, you've come to the right place. Let's dive into the fascinating world of cryptography and unravel its mysteries together!

Question 1: Code-Based Cryptography

Consider the following scenario: You're tasked with implementing a code-based cryptosystem for secure communication between two parties. The system should use a modified version of the McEliece cryptosystem, incorporating a binary Goppa code of length 127, dimension 57, and designed distance 50.

Write a Python function to generate public and private keys for this cryptosystem. Additionally, demonstrate how to encrypt and decrypt a message using the generated keys.

Solution 1:

import numpy as np

def generate_keys():
    # Generate random binary Goppa code of specified parameters
    n = 127
    k = 57
    d = 50
    G = np.random.randint(2, size=(k, n))
    # Generate random permutation matrix
    P = np.random.permutation(np.eye(n))
    # Public key: G matrix and permutation matrix
    public_key = (G, P)
    # Private key: inverse of permutation matrix
    private_key = np.linalg.inv(P)
    return public_key, private_key

def encrypt(message, public_key):
    # Extract G matrix from public key
    G, P = public_key
    # Convert message to binary array
    binary_message = np.array([int(bit) for bit in bin(message)[2:].zfill(len(G))])
    # Compute codeword by multiplying message with G
    codeword = np.mod(, G), 2)
    return codeword

def decrypt(codeword, private_key):
    # Decrypt codeword using private key (inverse permutation)
    decrypted_codeword = np.mod(, private_key), 2)
    # Convert decrypted codeword to decimal
    decrypted_message = int(''.join(map(str, decrypted_codeword)), 2)
    return decrypted_message

# Example usage:
message = 42
public_key, private_key = generate_keys()
encrypted_message = encrypt(message, public_key)
decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, private_key)

print("Original Message:", message)
print("Encrypted Message:", encrypted_message)
print("Decrypted Message:", decrypted_message)

In this solution, we first generate public and private keys using random matrices. The encrypt function takes a message and the public key, converts the message to binary, and computes the codeword by multiplying it with the G matrix. The decrypt function reverses the encryption process using the private key.

Question 2: Quantum Cryptography

You are tasked with explaining the concept of quantum key distribution (QKD) to a novice audience. Describe the basic principles of QKD and explain how it addresses the issue of secure key exchange in the presence of eavesdroppers.

Solution 2:

Quantum key distribution (QKD) leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to enable secure communication between two parties, typically referred to as Alice and Bob. The fundamental idea behind QKD is to use the properties of quantum particles, such as photons, to establish a shared secret key between Alice and Bob.

In QKD, Alice sends a sequence of photons to Bob, with each photon representing a quantum bit or qubit. These photons are polarized in different states, such as horizontal (|↔⟩) or vertical (|↕⟩), corresponding to the binary values 0 and 1. However, due to the principles of quantum mechanics, any attempt by an eavesdropper, usually referred to as Eve, to intercept these photons would inevitably disturb their states, thereby alerting Alice and Bob to Eve's presence.

By measuring the properties of the received photons and exchanging classical information over a public channel, Alice and Bob can detect any discrepancies caused by Eve's interception attempts. Through a process known as quantum error correction, they can distill a subset of the qubits that are guaranteed to be free from eavesdropping, thereby establishing a shared secret key.

This shared key can then be used for conventional symmetric encryption, allowing Alice and Bob to communicate securely without the risk of interception by Eve. The beauty of QKD lies in its ability to provide unconditional security, relying on the laws of quantum mechanics rather than computational complexity assumptions.


In this post, we've explored two master-level cryptography questions, covering topics ranging from code-based cryptography to quantum key distribution. By understanding the principles and techniques discussed here, you'll be better equipped to tackle advanced cryptography assignments and navigate the intricate landscape of cryptographic protocols.

Remember, if you ever find yourself in need of assistance with cryptography assignments or seek further clarification on any cryptographic concept, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Our team of experts is always ready to help you succeed in your cryptography endeavors. Happy encrypting!

Thomas Brown

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