Everything Job hunters need to know about Dubai Job Market

Everything Job hunters need to know about Dubai Job Market

If you are new in Dubai, you will be overwhelmed with the Jobs in Dubai number of available jobs around the City. You can see them in social media, job sites, and even posted outside the buildings. But how can you land the perfect job?

As a fellow jobseeker, it is tough to compete in the job market. It will be a challenge to pitch yourself effectively in front of employers. During my job hunting era, there are things I learned that job seekers need to consider for them to survive in the job market.

1. Know Your Strength and Weaknesses

How can you sell a product if you yourself don’t know anything about it? It is the same with how can you sell your skills or yourself if you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses?

 This is the most important thing you need to asses before your interview. Especially if you are new in Dubai, to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. What are the things you can bring into the company despite of not having that UAE experience that every hiring manager is looking for. What is your edge amongst the other candidates? You need to sell yourself to the employers and put good words on your strengths.

 As for your weakness, go for something that makes you look like a good potential employee. Meaning, a weakness that can be seen as a positive side by the HR like you are a workaholic, or you can’t balance work and personal lifestyle, etc.

 2. Know Your Employer

 In Dubai’s Job Market, you can see tons of employers and companies. You need to narrow down your options so you won’t get overwhelmed with the Hiring Companies. In this way, you can find the best fit for you based on your skills, professions, etc.

 I had this one interview before, I am prepared, well dressed and all. Then there is one thing I failed to answer. “Do you know what the services that our company is offering are?” Even though I visited their official website but did not explore about the company so could not answer this question. Therefore, it is important complete understand the company you are applying in to ensure that you are not pitching the right strategies for the wrong industry.

 The day before your interview, try giving few minutes of your time to read their website, know more about the company, usually the Vision and Mission will be your best friend!

 Knowing your Employer will not only help you land the job, but on your first day, you are somehow knowledgeable about the company and its culture. It will help you blend in perfectly.

 3. Focus on Your Profession

 ‘’You don’t sell kitchen knives to a bank’’. You need to sell yourself in the right Market!

 This will help a lot of new applicants in UAE. If you are new and trying to find a job, you have a tendency to apply for every job you see on any platform ignoring your specialty, your profession and skillset. Trust me this will not help you!

 Also Read: How to develop team cohesiveness?

Applying in a job that you never had back in your own city will not convince your hiring manager. You should focus on things you are good at. It would be easier for you to impress them by doing the things you are passionate about. You need to pursue your skillset so you can bring the best for your company.

 Focusing or staying in your profession will be of advantage as it will land you in a company that considers you valuable. It will bring you gratitude because you are happy with the choice you’ve taken. And we all know that happy employees are the most productive ones.

 Finding jobs in Dubai can be challenge, but it doesn’t mean that landing your dream job is impossible. You just need to know and embrace the new culture you are currently in. Adapt. Blend in. I know that it will be hard, but knowing your EDGE will be a great advantage for you.


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