You can get the Ancestral Follower Ashes by defeating The Ancestor Spirit boss at the river's Siofra region. To access this boss Elden Ring Runes, you'll need to ignite eight of the eight fires located in the area and then awaken spirits in the Hallowhorn Grounds.
It's true, the first Summon Spirits you get in Elden Ring are also some of the best that you can find once you upgrade the summons. Although they are not the strongest summons, and even though Lone Wolf summon starts off somewhat weak due to small damage and weak HP from the three wild wolves they become surprisingly tanky when upgraded fully.
This, in conjunction with their high agility and the ability to stomp opponents and enemies by breaking stances by swift attacks, make them a highly effective Spirit Summon in many situations.
All you need for getting your Lone Wolf Ashes is go to the Church of Elleh in Limgrave when you have received your mount, Torrent. Take note that the Church of Elleh is located in the northern part of The first Step Site for Grace.
Elden Ring has finally arrived out, and it's available for just $60 Elden Ring Items for sale. It's available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC. It's among the top Xbox games available today if you're a enthusiast of challenging RPGs and we highly recommend it.