What is C & C++ and what are its main features?

C++ and C have become well-known programming languages that have been around for a long time and are frequently used in the industry. In fact, C and C++ are two of the most widely used programming languages, with applications spanning from software development, game production, and databas


What is C?

  • C is a general-purpose, structured programming language designed for system development, i.e. the programmes that comprise operating systems. Because of its flexibility, faster execution, and simplicity, it soon acquired favour for a variety of application development.
  • Dennis Ritchie, a computer scientist at Bell Laboratories, created it in 1972. C is renowned as God's programming language since it is the foundation of many modern languages, including Python, Java, C++, and many others.
  • The most popular apps and software written in C demonstrate the language's popularity and versatility. Working on a range of operating systems, including Windows, Apple OS X, and Symbian, as well as mobile and desktop operating systems

Key Features of C

  • As previously said, C and C++ have various obstacles, objectives, aims, and advantages. And, before we go into the C versus C++ comparison, we should first comprehend the features of each.
  • C was one of the original programming languages, and it is noted for its simplicity and easy-to-understand style.
  • Many programmers consider C as an excellent place to start for newcomers because it serves as the foundation for many programming languages.
  • Portable: The C programming language is platform and system independent. This means that if you write code on one platform, you may port or run it on another for updates or upgrades.
  • Procedural Language: The C programming language executes code by following a predefined programme flow. It divides the code into sections.

What is C++?

  • C++, often known as C with Classes, is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language used to construct high-performance programmes.
  • C++ was previously known as C with classes since it was a hybrid of C and Simula67 (first object-oriented language). This suggests that, in addition to the characteristics of the C programming language, C++ introduces the ideas of classes and objects for user-defined data types.
  • C++ was developed in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. As the name implies, the goal of C++ was to create a general-purpose language that was not limited to a single application. It is used in operating systems, high-end libraries, cloud distributed systems, compilers, game development, wearables, visual programmes, and a variety of other applications.

Key Features of C++

  • Here are some of the most essential features of the C++ programming language:
  • Static Type System: C++ is a compiler-based language. It means that before we execute or run the code, we must use a compiler to make it understandable to the machine.
  • Fast and powerful: Because C++ is a compiler-based language, it improves and speeds up code execution. Furthermore, with a huge number of functions and data types, etc., it makes the language powerful and a safe option for programmers.
  • A point is the address of a specific object in the C++ programming language. It is a feature that allows programmers to use pointers to interact with functions, arrays, memory, and structures with less code and faster.
  • C++ was an expansion of the procedural programming language C, and as such, it contained the OOP (object-oriented programming) concept. C++ is an object-oriented programming language, which means that development is organised around data and objects rather than the functions or logic that act on them. Objects are associated with attributes and methods.
  • For example, "type of programming languages" is a kind of class (blueprint for an object), Python, C++, and C are unique objects, and the object's characteristics include features, benefits, and so on (data). As a result, OOP concepts link data and functions.



In 1972, Dennis Ritchie designed C at Bell Laboratories..

C++ was designed in the early 1980s by Bell Laboratories' Bjarne Stroustrup.

It is an OO programming language.

It is a programming language with functions.

C++ is a procedural and object-oriented programming language.

C is an imperative programming language. It does not support polymorphism, encapsulation, or inheritance programming, all of which are features of object-oriented programming (OOP).

OOP concepts such as polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance are all supported.

C++'s subset is C.

C++ is a C++ subset.

C has 32 keywords.

The language C++ has 63 keywords.

Predefined data types are supported.

Allows for the use of both predefined and custom data types.

C, the file extension of a programme is.c.

A C++ application has the file extension.cpp.

There are no access controls.

Access modifiers are available.

C makes use of the header file stdio.h.

C++ uses the header file iostream h


In a word, C is a procedural language with no support for objects or classes, whereas C++ is a combination of procedural and object-oriented programming languages.



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