History of Russian (Soviet) Fighters: MiG 25 _ Mach _ American _ Blackbird

Originally published as Who hasn't been crazy about a few weapons when they were young? For it, I was beaten a lot in those years! Good evening, Shaoxia ~ In the first two issues,

Original Title: History of Russian (Soviet) Fighter Development: MiG 25 Fighter When it comes to the fastest aircraft flying today, many people think of the SR-1 Blackbird strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the United States for the first time. In today's era when Mach 2 is everywhere and Mach 1 is not as good as dogs, all countries are studying higher and faster aircraft. The US Blackbird strategic reconnaissance plane has a maximum flight altitude of 300 meters and a maximum flight speed of Mach 3.3. This speed explains what is called the world's martial arts. It has never been shot down in more than 4,000 missile attacks. At that time, the Soviet Union, as a bitter rival of the United States, did not like the arrogant United States, so the MiG 25 came into being. Expand the full text How scary is the MiG 25? And how did you become the Blackbird's nemesis? The MiG 25 fighter uses a new aerodynamic layout different from conventional fighters, fastest dth hammer , with two-dimensional inlets on both sides, cantilevered high-wing twin vertical tails, and a simple straight-line fuselage shape, which further reduces the drag of the aircraft. The fuselage material of the MiG 25 must be resistant to high temperatures at speeds up to Mach 3.3 per hour. The fuselage surface of the fighter must be able to withstand the extremely high temperature of 300 degrees Celsius, in which conventional aluminum alloy simply can not withstand, in this case, the MiG 25 fighter has to use stainless steel with better high temperature resistance. It is said that when Israel saw the MiG-25, there was no way to intercept it, because at that time Israel's most advanced missile speed was less than Mach 3, and it could not catch up with the MiG-25 at all. This also surprised both Israel and the United States. After all, if the Soviet Union attacked it at that time, there would be no room for defense. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],mining dth bit, html = ''; for(var i = 0; i brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= ''+brand.name+''; } else { html+= ''+brand.name+'、'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById('linkBtn')){ document.getElementById('linkBtn').onclick = function() { $('#brands').removeClass('brand');$ ( '# tipInfo').text ( 'Real name responded'); $ ('#linkBtn').remove();$ ('.real-response .content').css('line-height', '20px');$ ('.real-response .time').css('line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById('brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();。 wt-dthtools.com


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