The Ultimate K9 Dog Training Program

We believe that science and research will lead us to a better way of training dogs and allow dogs to fully reach their capacity as “mans best friend”..To set the global industry standard in training dogs; we’re passionate in our pursuit to protect people safety, enhance the quality o

Whether you're a novice or an experienced handler, our ultimate k9 dog training program is sure to give you and your pup the boost of confidence and skills they need to be the best in their breed!

You'll learn a variety of tricks, obedience commands, and off-leash training skills. And, as a bonus, you'll get all of Adrienne's behavior training guides for free!

Safety First

When it comes to dog training, safety is a top priority for all concerned. Not only is it important to keep your dog safe, but you also want to avoid potential accidents that could endanger your companion or even get them into a precarious situation that could lead to an expensive bill at the vet's office.

Luckily, there are many ways to keep your canine companion safe while having fun at the same time! A good start is to teach your canine companion some basic obedience commands. The most effective way to do this is through a combination of positive reinforcement and distraction training. The best part is that most dogs will learn these skills quickly and easily, and even more so when you include your dog's favorite toy or favorite treat in the mix! You'll be rewarded with a happier, more well-behaved companion. To learn more about how to get the most out of your canine companion's time together, give AZPetVet a call today.

The Bite Breaker

If you're training a dog, it's important to know how to break up fights when they happen. There are a number of ways to do this, including using a break stick.

You need to do this only when other methods of breaking up a fight have failed. This is especially true if one of the dogs has gripped onto another and won't let go.

Start by walking over to the gripping dog, straddle it and lock your legs around its hips just in front of its hindquarters. Grab the dog's collar or scruff with your other hand.

With your free hand, insert the break stick between the gripping dog's jaws behind his or her canine teeth. You might have to work the stick in a little bit, but you should be able to find a natural gap between their molars.

If the dog still has a grip, rotate the stick back towards you to pry it open. Once the gap is wide enough, you can pull the dog's jaws apart - this can be pretty scary, but it usually works!

Easy Lifting

There are some dogs, especially older ones, that can be quite painful when a person is lifting them up and carrying them around. In these cases it's best to avoid picking up and carrying the dog unless a restraint is in place.

To pick up a small dog, place one arm behind its back legs and the other arm around the chest in front of the rear leg. Tuck the front end of the dog's body between the arm and your body as you lift him up, gently setting him down if he whimpers.

If you have a large dog, it's better to ask another person for help. Then you can lift from the back half and the other person can lift from the front half.

Resistance training is important for your dog's overall health. It helps build muscle strength and bone density. It also makes your dog feel stronger and more conditioned. Start with a few exercises and increase the resistance as your dog becomes more conditioned.

The Perfect Tool for Fieldwork

The perfect tool for fieldwork is a combination of a few essentials, including a well-fitting leash, an appropriately sized collar, and a dog with the right temperament for the job. This can make the difference between a pleasant outing and an unpleasant one for everyone involved.

There is a lot to be said for positive training, particularly when it comes to building a strong bond with your dog. There are several different ways to go about it, but the most successful approach is to make sure you are paying attention to your dog and making a conscious effort to reward his good behavior.

You can also get a lot of mileage out of a small treat pouch. It's not only convenient, but it can keep you on track when your hands are full. The key is to be patient and consistent with your training efforts, so you can see the results in the field. The best part is that your ultimate k9 dog will learn what's expected of him in a fun and exciting way!

Ultimate k9training

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