Stop Politicizing the Military

Stop Politicizing the MilitaryStop Politicizing the Military

Serving in the United States Army was the best decision I ever made. All the lessons that have guided me throughout my life were learned during my time in service.Get more news about military mast,you can vist our website!

One of the biggest lessons I learned was about the importance of treating everyone with respect. In the Army, it did not matter where we came from, what color our skin was, who we worshiped, how many pennies we had in our pockets, or who we voted for in November. All that mattered was accomplishing the mission and getting home safely.

However, today’s commanders have lost sight of that and are focused woke, identity politics. They’re focused on the things that divide us, instead of the one thing that we all have in common: our shared mission of keeping the United States safe, secure and free.

The men and women who join the world’s finest fighting force do so because they want to serve their nation. It’s no surprise that this woke indoctrination is turning people off from military service, but it is a major problem. For the first time since we got rid of the draft in 1973, the military is at risk of missing its recruiting numbers.

The uniform we wear and the flag that’s embroidered on our sleeve should be the only thing that matters in battle. When we lose sight of that, and when military leadership is more interested in culture wars than actual wars, we face a real threat to our national security.


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