There are many tools on the market that help website owners to find out whether a particular theme they are using will look good on their website. Some of them will allow you to preview the theme, but they won't tell you how it will look like when your customers click on a specific button. Shopify theme detector is different.
It will tell you whether the themes that you are using will look good on your website or not. Our tool is designed to help website owners to identify the issues they have with the websites they own. It Shopify theme detector also helps them to get started with redesigning their site. You can use our theme detector to identify a lot of issues with a Shopify store.
Your first step would be to launch your Shopify theme inspector. This will allow you to see the current themes on your website. Once you have launched it, it will open a window. In the window, you will see all the themes you have on your website. You can also see a comparison of your theme.
The next step is to drag and drop the theme that you want to detect. Then click on Detect Theme. In the window, you will see if your website uses a particular theme. You can also view the problems that your current theme has, or the problems that it might have in the future.