Bananas, oats, melon and grapes are able to provide us with the necessary energy to deal with mental fatigue. On top of that, the body converts the tryptophan in bananas into serotonin, which improves our mood.
What is mental fatigue
Sometimes fatigue can occur with more intensity than others, this is usually conditioned to problems such as: job stress or difficult personal responsibilities and periods of stress or lack of proper rest, among multiple other factors that can cause a state of complete mental exhaustion.
Drinks to avoid mental fatigue
However, it is possible to combat mental fatigue with the use of certain natural foods that can help you combat mental fatigue in a very effective way.
- Apple and carrot juice
- 1 cup of water
- Half a cucumber
- 1 green apple
- 1 carrot
- 1 medium beet
This juice is a very tasty drink and its benefits to relieve mental fatigue are its strong suit. The use of green apples is essential to improve overall health as they have the ability to aid in weight loss, burn fat, and keep your cholesterol under control.
Combined with carrots and beets, it makes for a rich and invigorating juice packed with vitamins and minerals. It is also a natural tonic that helps the body eliminate toxins from the kidneys and liver.
But the combination of vitamins and minerals is also suitable for fighting fatigue. Before preparing this drink, it is necessary to wash all the fruits and vegetables, cut them and add them to the blender.
Cucumber will help you hydrate and is an essential ingredient to combat this problem of fatigue. Mix until you have a good juice and you can drink it cold or at room temperature. The benefits of this juice can be appreciated instantly.
- Oatmeal and banana drink
- 1 ripe banana
- Rice milk
- Oatmeal
- Greek yogurt
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- cinnamon ground
How to make this smoothie to combat mental fatigue?
An oatmeal and banana smoothie are really easy to make and very effective in fighting mental exhaustion. You just have to soak the oats first in a bowl of water to soften them.
After soaking you should remove the water and reserve the oats. Cut the ripe banana into pieces and add to the blender along with the oats. Add the rice milk and yogurt.
You can substitute Greek yogurt for natural yogurt if you prefer, although it could also benefit from the properties of Greek yogurt that helps boost the immune system, as well as promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines.
Mix all the ingredients and finally pour the honey and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. Ideally you should drink this cold smoothie. It is refreshing, hydrating and the combination of banana, oatmeal and honey gives the body a lot of energy.
This drink contains a large amount of minerals that will awaken the mind and make you feel less tired.
- Almond, melon and grape smoothie
- 2 or 3 slices of melon
- 1 cup of almond milk
- 12 seedless grapes
This smoothie is a great way to start your day. If you have started the day with a feeling of lethargy, this simple preparation can help you fight against mental fatigue in a totally natural way, without resorting to the use of popular energy drinks, which are also very harmful.
For this recipe you can use already prepared almond milk or make your own recipe, it will always be better what you prepare at home. Learn how to make almond milk.
Almonds are one of the healthiest foods that exist, and in this case, we are especially interested in their magnesium content, which is ideal to combat fatigue, joint pain, headaches, among many other health problems.
You will need about 2 or 3 slices of melon; the important thing is that the fruit is fresh. It is advisable to avoid concentrated juices or commercial juices.
After cutting the melon, it must be placed in the blender, now add the almond milk and about 12 grapes. Remember to remove any skins and seeds from the grapes to make this smoother drink.
Mix until you have a homogeneous liquid and you can drink it cold. This is an ideal smoothie to relieve mental fatigue.
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