
Procurement Category Analytics

£3.125.00 (GBP)
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公開済み に Spendkey Limited
  •  位置United Kingdom
  •  状態在庫あり
  •  タイプ新しい


Spendkey is a comprehensive spend management solution that aims to provide accurate spend visibility and trusted reporting for businesses. By utilizing data transformation and powerful AI technology, Spendkey helps organizations gain insights into their spending patterns and make informed decisions.

One of the key features of Spendkey is its ability to ingest all payments data from various sources. It then extracts, unifies, and categorizes this data, allowing businesses to have a consolidated and accurate view of their overall spend. This single, truthful view helps companies understand their spending across different dimensions.

Spendkey offers dynamic multi-dimensional dashboards that provide detailed analysis of spend across various dimensions. Some examples of these dimensions include spend by categories, countries, and business units. By breaking down spending in this way, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

The platform also includes features such as spend distribution analysis, which helps visualize how spending is distributed across different categories or suppliers. Supplier segmentation provides insights into the different types of suppliers and their contribution to overall spending.

Spendkey also addresses the issue of maverick spend, which refers to unauthorized or uncontrolled spending. The platform helps identify maverick spend instances, allowing businesses to take necessary actions to reduce such occurrences.

Furthermore, Spendkey offers analysis of contracted and non-contracted spend. This helps businesses understand their spending commitments and identify potential savings opportunities by renegotiating contracts or exploring alternative suppliers.

Payment term analysis and cash flow trends are also part of Spendkey's capabilities. These features allow businesses to analyze payment terms with suppliers, identify cash flow patterns, and make informed decisions regarding cash management.

Overall, Spendkey aims to provide businesses with a comprehensive spend management solution that not only provides accurate spend visibility but also helps uncover savings opportunities and improve overall financial efficiency.

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