Unhealthy Skin Spots: What They Are and How to Address Them

Our skin, the body's largest organ, is a remarkable and complex structure. However, it's also susceptible to various issues, including the appearance of unhealthy skin spots. These spots can be concerning, both from a cosmetic and a health perspective. In this blog post, we'll delve into what unhealthy skin spots are, the common types, and how to address them. Also check

What Are Unhealthy Skin Spots?

Unhealthy skin spots are areas of the skin that appear different from the surrounding tissue, either in colour or texture. Also, do checkout to Ayurvedic Treatment For Vitiligo - https://arogyadhamhealth.com/s....ervices/ayurvedic-tr

1. Age Spots: These are flat, tan, brown, or black spots that often appear as people age. They're caused by prolonged sun exposure.

2. Acne Scars: Acne can leave behind dark or pitted scars on the skin, particularly if not treated properly.

3. Moles: Moles are pigmented skin growths. While most are harmless, changes in size, shape, or colour should be evaluated by a dermatologist.


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