Video wall digital signage - LED video wall

Zoom Visual, Singapore’s premier LED advertising display board service provider. Having been around since 2016, we have pride ourselves as one of the top LED/LCD display solution providers. Besides products, we also offer advertising and display services.

Title: Mesmerise and Captivate the passing eyes of themasses with Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall. Ingrain an unforgetable visual experience in their minds with Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall.


Does your business have mesmerising graphics looking for a platform to display? Have you witness large LED Screens around big building and shopping malls? What we have here is Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall, Our Video Wall have seen the light in many businesses and have built up a reputable clientele. The LED Wall comes with state-of-the-art technology that boasts ultra-high brightness and contrast with high refresh rate that are guaranteed to reach the eyes of your audience. All our LED Wall have been tested and carry IP65 protection that shield against dust and are water resistance, the durability of the LED screens has been proven to last more than 10 years. With 2 or more Video wall, the end result can transform and convey an immersive experience that is sure to mesmerise and captivate the masses.

Coupled together with Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall, we are also known for our Video Wall Digital Signage. As a LED Video wall is usually for graphical content purposes. Video wall digital signage allows for dynamic content delivery, captivating viewers with vivid visuals and interactive elements. From large shopping malls to corporate headquarters, Video Walls Singapore have become instrumental in attracting attention, delivering crucial information, and creating memorable experiences. This technology has found widespread use in retail, transportation hubs, corporate environments, entertainment venues, and more, transforming passive audiences into engaged participants. With the latest OLED display technology and depending on the size of the display, Zoom Visual’s Video Wall Digital Signage is capable of reaching the eyes of audiences even from a great distance. Being in the LED Screen Solution industry for more than 15 years, Zoom Visual has accumulated a sizeable number of reputable clients from various industries ranging from government to retail.

Don’t let space constraints being an issue! Zoom Visual carries both Indoor LED Wall and Outdoor LED Wall. With the OLED technology at its back Zoom Visual Video LED Wall, the only thing holding you back is your imagination. LED video walls have surpassed traditional video walls in popularity due to their exceptional visual performance. They offer high resolution, wide viewing angles, and seamless splicing, resulting in stunning, uninterrupted displays. Indoor LED walls are designed to be viewed from close distances, making them suitable for venues like shopping malls, conference rooms, museums, and retail stores. Their high brightness and fine pixel pitch ensure clear visibility even in well-lit indoor environments. Outdoor LED walls are engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions and deliver remarkable visuals even in direct sunlight. These walls have been game-changers for outdoor advertising, public events, and sports stadiums. The increased use of LED video walls in public spaces has not only transformed advertising and communication but also elevated the aesthetics of various environments.

Another groundbreaking innovation that has propelled the world of video display is our Transparent LED Wall.Transparent LED Wall are often used to showcase content while allowing viewers to see through the display. Transparent LED Wall provide an innovative solution to merge digital content seamlessly with the physical environment. A sub-aspect of the Transparent LED Wall is our Transparent LED Film, Transparent LED Film is a self-adhesive material that can be applied to glass surfaces, turning them into transparent LED displays. This flexible and versatile technology has opened up new possibilities for advertising on shop windows, building facades, and even car windows. Lastly, besides the Transparent LED Wall and Transparent LED Film, Zoom Visual also carries Transparent LED Screen. The differing factor is the context which they are used, Transparent LED Screen are designed for smaller-scale applications. These screens offer all the benefits of transparency while providing a more convenient and space-saving solution for displaying information. Imagine having a massive Video Wall the size of one three stories building, it is proven by our reputable clientele that the sheer size will not distort the quality of the content displayed. Head over to our website to view our list of past satisfied clients!

Here are the few ways to get in contact with us:

  1. Visit us at our website to fill in an enquiry form and we will get back to you within
  2. Contact us from our number below
  3. Set an appointment with us to view the Digital Signages personally at our headquarters

What are you waiting for! Get in touch with us to experience the Best Digital Signage Solution!

Address: 33 Ubi Ave 3, #03-39 Vertex, 408868 Singapore

Contact no. :62822508

Email: [email protected]







Smith Aleen

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