The General Principle Of Optometry Prescription Is The Minimum Dosage To See Clearly

What about myopia below 100 degrees? If a child's myopia is below 100 degrees and their naked eye vision is above 0.8, they may not wear kids eyeglasses near me, but they need to adjust their eye habits, conduct behavioral interventions, arrange more outdoor activities, and take prev

What about myopia below 100 degrees? If a child's myopia is below 100 degrees and their naked eye vision is above 0.8, they may not wear kids eyeglasses near me, but they need to adjust their eye habits, conduct behavioral interventions, arrange more outdoor activities, and take preventive measures.


For myopia ranging from 100 degrees to 150 degrees, it is recommended to wear kids' eyeglasses near me when needed. For example, during class or during activities, it can be temporarily removed. If it exceeds 200 degrees, it is generally recommended to wear them for a long time.


The kids eyeglasses near me have a specific dosage, and the general principle of optometry prescription is the minimum dosage that can be seen clearly. If you can see 1.0275 degrees at 300 degrees, and you can also see 1.0250 degrees, you can see 0.8 degrees, then you should match 275 degrees.


The minimum degree that can be seen clearly, such as 275 degrees in the above example, we call it full correction; Can see clearly but not the minimum degree, such as the 300-degree example above, we call it overcorrection; I can't see clearly, for example, if the above example is only matched to 250 degrees, we call it under-correction.


When the glasses are overcorrected, although the distance is clear, closer viewing requires more adjustment, which can easily cause visual fatigue. When the glasses are undercorrected, especially for children, the imaging on the retina is not clear enough, which can lead to faster development of myopia.


So is it better to set the degree higher or lower? If there are no special circumstances and the match is just right, full correction is the best. Do not feel uncomfortable and deliberately lower the degree because it is too high.


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