Oracle Fusion Procurement Training - Receiving Parameters

Oracle Fusion Procurement Training - Receiving Parameters

  1. Internal Receiving
  2. External Receiving (Purchase Order Receipt)

This screen options are used to control the receiving functionality in the application

Without this setup we are not able to perform receipt, it could be PO Receipt/Internal Receipt and this setup has to be completed for the all the receiving inventory organizations.

[N]: Setup and Maintenance -> Procurement -> Receiving-> Manage Receiving Parameters


General Section:-

Ship to Exception Action (None, Reject, Warning)

Purchase Order Ship-to/Delivery Location & Receiving Location could be different or it should be same decided by below 3 options.

None – Can be different

Reject – Can’t be different

Warning – Allowed with a warning message.


ASN Control Action :- (ASN – Advance shipment Notice) ((None, Reject, Warning)

Before you receive items from your supplier, supplier will send ASN to you. In this ASN document, you can see how many items are going to be delivered to your location, Shipment date and Time ETC.

Based on this information, warehouse users will be ready at his location to receive the stock from supplier. We can receive items against our Purchase order number or ASN number which is sent by supplier.

In this section, we can see three options – None, Reject, Warning


None – You can receive the material through PO Number/ASN Number

Reject – You have to receive the material through ASN Number, if there is ASN exists for the PO.

Warning – If you are trying to receive the material through PO Number which has ASN Number. The receiving through a PO Number allowed with a warning message.

Early Receipt Tolerance in Days:-


How many days early receipt is allowed, this works based on the Requested Date provided in the purchase order.


Let’s say, you have mentioned stock should be received on “01/JAN/2022” in Purchase order. However, if supplier has available stock and would like to send before the requested date. In this case, you have to provide how many early days that you are going to accept to receive the product from your supplier. In case, if you mentioned 10 days in this field. It means that you can receive the product on or after 20/DEC/2021 controlled by below this options.


None – You can receive at any day, No Control

Reject – You have to receive with in the provided early receipt days, Application stops you (Red Flag)

Warning – Allowed at any day with a warning message


Late Receipt Tolerance in Days:-


How many days late receipt is allowed, this works based on the Requested Date provided in the purchase order.


None – You can receive at any day, No Control

Reject – You have to receive with in the provided late receipt days, Application stops you (Red Flag)

Warning – Allowed at any day with a warning message


Receipt days Exceed Action:-


If the supplier send the stock after late receipt tolerance days and before early receipt tolerance days, what is your action? Here, we have three options None, Warning, Reject


None - You will be able to receive the stock from your supplier, even though it exceeds early receipt tolerance or Late receipt tolerance.

Reject - You can not to receive the stock from your supplier, if it is exceeding the early receipt date or late receipt date

Warning – System will popup warning message if it is exceeding the early receipt days and late receipt days. Based on your business rule, you can take a decision


Over Receipt Tolerance:-


Let’s say, you have ordered a product for 100 Units and supplier has sent you 300 Units. In this case, would you reject the stock or receive the stock is based on this field. If you have provided a number as “10%”. It means that you can receive up to 10 additional units in addition to your ordered quantity.


Over receipt Action:-


If your supplier has sent over quantity which are exceeding the over receipt tolerance, would you receive it or reject is based on the option you have selected in this section. Here we have three options None, Reject, Warning


None – Even though if it is exceeding over receipt tolerance, you will receive the stock from your supplier

Reject – You will not receive the stock if it is exceeding the Over receipt tolerance percentage

Warning – Allowed through a warning message


Receipt Routing:-


Direct (One Step Process) – Directly delivery the stock to sub-inventory.

Standard (Two Step Process) – 1st Step is to Receive to the Location & Delivery to sub-inventory

Inspection (Three Step Process) – 1st Step is to receive to the Location & 2nd Step is Inspection & 3rd Step is to deliver accepted goods to sub-inventory.


Use Quality Inspection Plan check box:-


Enable – We are using Oracle Quality module to perform the inspection.

Disable – Inspection performed offline/out of the application. The results are entered in the application during the inspection step, how much quantity is accepted/rejected.


In EBS this is a profile option: QA: PO Inspection -> Oracle Purchasing/Oracle Quality


Allow Substitute receipts (Check Mark):-


Enable: Ordered item and Receiving item can be different, but in the application you have to setup substitute items for the ordered item and receiving should be performed with the defined substitute items.


Disable: Ordered item and Receiving can’t be different.


Let’s say, you are going to a medical store and requested to shopkeeper Paracetamol medicine. He told you that we do not have paracetamol. However, we do have substitute for this medicine like Dolo 650. In the same way, when we ordered any item in purchase order and if the item is not available with supplier and he has substitute items. Would you prefer to receive it? If yes, we need to select this check mark. Otherwise, do not select the check mark.


Allow unordered Receipts (Check Mark):-


In some urgent cases, we can receive raw material / stock from supplier without purchase order. Later, we will create Purchase order and match with the receipt.


Enforce Blind Receiving:-


In some exceptional cases, you can perform receipt by ignoring the tolerances like early receipt, late receipt, over receipt tolerance etc. Through bling receiving.


Print Receipt Traveler:-


If you select this checkbox, system will automatically generate print receipt traveler. In this report, we can see the travel details of the receipt.


We can manually submit this program “Print receipt Traveler Report “from scheduled process.


Include Closed Purchase order for receipts:-


Already purchase order is closed and if you want to receive on top of the closed purchase order then enable this checkbox.

In some scenarios, we would like to pull purchase order number in receiving screen even though all items which we have ordered is received. Let’s say, we have ordered 10 items in purchase order number PO908. Later some point, we have received all these 10 items from suppliers. In this case, Purchase order number PO908 status would be “Closed for Receiving” as we have already received all the ordered quantity and we do not get this details in receiving screen as PO order is closed for receiving. Even though, if you want to see Purchase order number in receiving screen as we are expecting additional Quantity from supplier (Exception case as given in Over receipt tolerance as 10), we need to select this check mark. Otherwise, we can unselect this check mark.

Allow Routing Override:-

If this check box enabled, during the Receiving time we can override receipt routing method.

You can override this option at receipt time by changing the destination type for specific suppliers, items, and orders.

Process all lines together:-

If enabled, ensures that individual lines are processed if all expected lines don't arrive.

Print Shipping Documents for returns to suppliers:-

If enabled, shipping documents are printed for return to supplier transaction (RTV).

Print Shipping document for drop ship orders:-

If enabled, shipping documents are printed for dropship sales orders.

This option creates the shipment number for drop ship orders after the supplier creates the ASN for the drop ship sales order.

In Order Management, we do perform Drop ship sales order where we asked our supplier to deliver product to our customer. During this sales order, if you enable this check mark, system automatically generate shipping document for drop ship orders. Please note that this drop ship orders specifically this particular inventory org which you have selected while entering in to this Manage receiving parameters page.

Print shipping document for return material authorizations:-

If enabled, requires the printing of shipping documents for RMA. This option creates the shipments for return material authorization orders after RMAs are created in the Order Management.

Allow defaulting of lots and serial numbers from ASN:-

If enabled, defaulting the LOT/Serial number from ASN during the receiving time.

Receipt Number section:-

By using this section, we can generate receipt number through Manual or Automatically.

In Manual method -> Numeric or Alpha numeric.

In case of Automatic system will generate receipt numbers bases on the starting sequence number entered.


RMA (Return Material Authorization):-

For RMA transactions this receipt routing method gets defaulted.

This section is regarding return Material from your customer to whom we sold our products. We have three methods under Receipt Routing which are Direct Delivery, Standard Receipt and Inspection required.

RMA Validation Lots:-

Matching of LOT/Serial Numbers entered on the RMA.

Restricted: Enter lot numbers that are mentioned on the RMA. If you enter lot numbers that are different than those on the RMA, the application displays an error message.

Restricted with warning: Enter lot numbers that are mentioned on the RMA. If you enter lot numbers that are different than those on the RMA, the application displays a warning message.

Unrestricted: Enter any lot number.

Validate Serial Numbers:-

If enabled, restricts the list of serial numbers displayed for an RMA line to valid serial numbers only.


In Oracle fusion cloud procurement training will cover each and every topic in details, thanks for your time, and provide your comments in any corrections are required, Thanks – Tech Leads IT

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