Your body's blood flow makes possible every function in your entire body. Other studies have found that in countries where fish is eaten several times per week they have a low incidence of aged related memory loss, and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease. Seafood, walnuts and flaxseed (linseed) are also great additions to your diet as they contain omega-3 oils to promote cell membrane gluco freeze flexibility. So, all those having a sweet tooth, start taking a natural supplement containing this tea as well as various other similar herbs today.
Scientific studies have shown that for a body to be healthy it must have a balanced alkaline system. All you would need will be to take 1-2 capsules a day, and you are all set. According to the Cleveland Clinic: "inflammation is a process by which the bodies white gluco freeze cells and chemicals protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses." Great. What's the adequate daily intake of calcium? 1,000-1,200 mg daily.
However, if you are not on any medications, then you can start on an effective fish oil blood thinner supplement and say good-bye to all your ailments. Less bad breath this way and worth the extra cost. One note of caution, garlic also acts as a natural blood thinner so it should not be taken by some people already using blood thinning medicine or those who do not want their blood thinned.