Corrupted Slivers in New World brings more fun to players

Corrupted Slivers in New World brings more fun to players

As we all know, New World will be officially released in a month. Players can collect a lot of resources in the game, including the coveted Corrupt Shard. In New World, players can easily find resources such as silver and marijuana, but it is difficult to collect Corrupted Shards. If the player wants to farm the Fallen Shard Demon, the only way is to obtain it by completing the Major Corruption Breakthrough and plundering the Major Breakthrough Box.

Corrupted shards can be used to craft items on the stone cutting table. Players can combine Corrupted Shards with other resources to create various adjustment balls. The New World Coins adjustment ball is used to unlock new adventures. Players need to find Corrupted Shards at some point during New World game time.

Players must first complete a major corruption breakthrough before they have a chance to loot the Corrupt Shard. Severe Corruption Vulnerabilities are refreshed every hour and are visible on the player's map. It is recommended that players conduct major corruption violations in groups of five, as it is much more difficult than minor corruption violations. With the right weapons and career construction, players can easily deal with major corruption violations.

Closing the main Corruption Rift Portal is the only way to obtain Corruption Shards in New World. These portals can only be sealed with Azoth staff during the breach event. The fallen followers will continue to spawn and attack the player until the main fallen breakthrough is ended by the staff. After the player closes the portal, they will have access to the main vulnerability cache that sometimes contains rare loot drops.

Corrupted Shards are not in every large breakthrough box, they can only be found in those specific boxes. The small Corruption Rift Box does not contain any Corruption Shards. Minor corruption loopholes are easy to deal with, but since serious RPG New World Coins corruption loopholes are more difficult, it is best to solve them with friends. The recommended team size for major corruption violations is five players, which allows players to understand the difficulty of these violations.

Once New World players have collected Corrupted Shards, they can use Corrupted Shards to adjust orbs. Adjusting the orb allows players to participate in new adventures. Corrupted shards can also be combined to create corrupted fragments, which are used to unlock advanced tuning balls and more expeditions. This does not help create any of the best weapons in the game. But in the process, players will need to consume a large amount of New World Coins. The emergence of NewWorldCoins easily helps players solve the problem of lack of New World Coins.


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