New World is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Amazon Games, which will be released on September 28, 2021. Players will be able to experience an exciting open world full of dangers and opportunities, where they can explore, build, craft, and fight as shipwrecked adventurers on the supernatural Atnham Island.
In fact, Amazon's New World was originally scheduled to land in August 2020, and then postponed to spring 2021, and then August 2021. Players do not need to pay a subscription fee to explore New World, only a one-time payment of $39.99 for the standard version. Extra items in the Amazon New World Coins game, such as skins, decorations and pets, can be found in the in-game shop.
Amazon's New World and its environment are inspired by the 17th century. Often referred to as the Age of Exploration and Discovery, this is the age when explorers go out of their hometowns and discover new environments. Sojin Hwang, deputy art director of Amazon Games, said that they want players to have that feeling of exploration and venture into the unknown. The 17th century provided a starting point for the supernatural side of Aeternum.
Players will see the myths and legends of various cultures in history come to life in the New World Coins game, including ghosts, monsters and various mysterious phenomena. The overall artistic direction of the game is based on reality, but also contains the accompanying supernatural and fantasy elements. The art team at Amazon Games is committed to making Aeternum an immersive environment. Despite the many dangers, players will still like to explore. Among the many supernatural elements of New World, floating obelisks, glowing plants, ghosts, zombies and fantasy creatures, players will find something unusual in every corner.
Colors are carefully planned throughout New World, and the art team uses it to hint at different aspects of the game and its gameplay. For example, red means corruption, and players will soon learn that any character with a red wrap or luminous body is an enemy. On the other hand, blue represents the lost, which is another enemy faction of the entire New World. In the game, every place the player visits is unique and special. For more detailed information about New World, welcome to visit NewWorldCoins, where you can also buy cheap New World Coins!