How Cloud Computing Is Beneficial For Healthcare Industry

Cloud computing for healthcare has many benefits, such as improved efficiency & accuracy, decreased costs, and enhanced data security.

Nowadays, cloud computing for healthcare has gained significant importance. After the pandemic hit, the healthcare system was completely flustered. 


Many medical institutions switched to mobile app development to harness the potential of cloud computing in healthcare software development at that time. This helped them to ease the work of the medical staff. 


There are many benefits of healthcare cloud solutions like improved efficiency & accuracy, lower costs, and enhanced patient care. The implementation of cloud computing for healthcare has even led to the emergence of new ways to enhance IT systems functionalities.


According to the reports, cloud technology is going to gain more prominence in the coming years. The cloud computing market is forecasted to reach $71,730.64 million by 2027. 

Now, we will explain to you in detail about cloud computing for healthcare and how it is going to transform the future. 

What is Cloud Computing for Healthcare?

Cloud computing in healthcare helps to store, maintain, handle, and process medical information on servers through the Internet. 

Cloud storage is apt for healthcare institutions as it aids in storing massive amounts of data and information securely. However, these servers are maintained by IT professionals. 


Recently, many medical institutions have started implementing cloud-based solutions with the development of Electronic Medical Records. Even the medical organizations that didn’t plan to opt for the healthcare cloud solutions ended up opting for it. In addition to cloud-based solutions, there has been a surge in the medical iPhone app development, catering to various aspects of healthcare delivery, such as patient monitoring, telemedicine, medication management, and educational resources.

Advantages of Cloud Computing for Healthcare 

In this section, we will tell you about the benefits of utilizing cloud computing for healthcare.

1. Cost-effective

The healthcare industry deals with a lot of data, such as lab tests, medical reports, insurance claims, EMRs, and prescriptions. By utilizing cloud technology, medical institutions can take off this burden and handle data more effortlessly.


Cloud computing offers vast data storage that can help to maintain healthcare data efficiently. It has cloud-based analytical tools that can aid you in comprehending data into more meaningful information.

2. Telemedicine 

Telemedicine is one of the many applications of cloud computing in healthcare. The cloud-based healthcare mobile app development can help offer health insurance, share medical data, provide prevention, and improve availability.


These applications are now being made with more advanced functions, for instance, virtual analysis by doctors through video conferencing. Cloud computing is the best way to improve and offer people medical care at their convenience via telemedicine.

3. Enhanced Patient Experience 

Cloud computing can improve the patient experience by giving them direct access to doctors. They can access their medical reports, lab test results, and doctor’s notes or prescriptions.

Cloud technologies can help patients maintain their medical data and health more meticulously with better knowledge about their medical condition.

4. Saves time 

With cloud technologies, patients no longer need to carry their medical reports while going to hospitals. 

Healthcare professionals and doctors can check the data on the cloud and give prescriptions directly. People can keep track of their medical appointments and doctor visits. 

This can aid in saving the time of doctors as well as patients and speed up the diagnosis & treatment process.

5. Improved Interoperability

Cloud technologies can help to establish interoperability between healthcare systems. The patient’s information can be flexibly distributed among the healthcare channels and facilitate faster healthcare services

Cloud computing for healthcare enables healthcare professionals to access patients’ data & records from different sources and distribute them to the in-charge medical staff or concerned individuals.

By leveraging SaaS in healthcare, organizations can optimize workflows, improve patient care coordination, and ultimately enhance the delivery of healthcare services.

Types of Cloud Computing in Healthcare 

Here, we will tell you about the different types of cloud computing for healthcare. Cloud computing for healthcare can be divided into two models: Deployment & Distribution.

1. Distribution Model 

SaaS (Software as a Service): Service providers provide the IT infrastructure, and the client deploys applications and operating systems.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Service providers offer an operating system and IT infrastructure, and the clients themselves deploy applications.

PaaS (Platform as a Service): Service providers provide applications, an operating system, IT infrastructure, and other elements of the platform.

2. Deployment Model 

  • Community: A group with shared interests, preferences, and goals can use this technology.
  • Private: An individual can use cloud technology.
  • Hybrid: The technology integrates multiple clouds with various options to access. 
  • Public: Anyone can use the technology.

Cloud Computing for Healthcare: Risks that follow 

We discussed the advantages of cloud computing above but now let’s talk about the issues that might come up.

1. Constricted Ecosystem

Using cloud technology solely is not enough to make the healthcare industry productive and efficient. 

To procure maximum benefits from the cloud, you need to utilize other technologies as well, like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Data management technologies.

2. Availability of Experts 

Finding technical experts and developers proficient in healthcare software is tough. However, if you try, you can always find good cloud professionals working in cloud computing for the healthcare domain. 

3. Data Security 

The primary reason for utilizing cloud technology is for storing and maintaining healthcare data. However, there are many risks associated with it.

As the company’s data is shared on the server with other companies and remote systems, this may lead to data breaches if a system fails. 

4. Prolonged Adopting Process 

For moving from traditional processes to cloud technologies requires efforts and alteration of the task management process. The healthcare institute needs to teach everyone how to carry out tasks using the newly implemented cloud technology.

How to Avoid The Risks Associated With Cloud Computing for Healthcare?

Deploying cloud computing needs strong cooperation between the technology provider and the healthcare organization. Here, we will tell you how you can mitigate the risks associated with it.

1. Determine your key objectives 

Firstly, you need to understand the utility of cloud technology in your healthcare institution. Otherwise, you won’t be able to find out the things for which you need to employ cloud solutions.

Some of the major reasons for implementing cloud technologies are as follows:

  • Saves cost 
  • Better data backups
  • Enhanced data security 
  • Compliance management 

Once you have determined the objectives then, you can precisely communicate those with your technology provider.

2. Filter out the tasks that you want to switch to the cloud 

You may have a list of tasks and processes that you want to switch to the cloud. However, you must determine the specific functions that need cloud upgradation.

To do this, you must analyze your current processes and identify the barriers that are preventing the smooth functioning of your healthcare operations.


This way you can give priority to the processes that need an immediate switch. Also, it will help you to communicate your business objectives more accurately to your technology provider.

3. Measure the Investment 

To switch to the cloud platform, you need to analyze your spending. You need to ensure if it is worth spending and if your business can take up this expense.

The main expenditure is on paying the technical experts and developers. There are different ways through which you can implement cloud computing for healthcare, such as

  • Outsourcing the project: This is a cost-effective choice. You can give your cloud computing project to an experienced and trustworthy technology company.
  • Hiring an in-house team: This is an expensive and time-consuming process. Recruiting employees and finding efficient ones is never guaranteed.

Wrapping It Up   

Adopting cloud technology can help transform the healthcare sector’s future in distinctive ways. There are many benefits of using cloud computing, from cost reduction to scalability and offering convenience. 


If you want to switch to cloud computing, then our experts and developers can help you. Sphinx Solutions is a leading and trusted application development company that has been in the IT industry for more than a decade. We have a team of experts, consultants, developers, and highly-qualified professionals.


Schedule a call with our experts to get an estimation for your healthcare app development project, or email us at [email protected].


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