What are Thyroid Nodules and How to Treat Them?

Thyroid nodules are growths that develop within the thyroid, a gland located in the front of the neck. Most thyroid nodules are harmless and do not pose any health risk. However, if the growth is not cancerous, it can still grow big enough, affecting an individual’s abili

Thyroid nodules are growths that develop within the thyroid, a gland located in the front of the neck. Most thyroid nodules are harmless and do not pose any health risk. However, if the growth is not cancerous, it can still grow big enough, affecting an individual’s ability to breathe or swallow. As per the best thyroid doctor in Chennai, at Magna Centre, thyroid nodules are common among females. Although the symptoms can occur if multiple nodules occur against surrounding structures in the neck. If someone doubts that they have thyroid nodules, they can contact the Magna Centre and have a thorough examination. 


Let us take a closer look at the symptoms and causes of thyroid nodules


What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Nodules? 


Most thyroid nodules do not produce any symptoms. However, if there are multiple nodules, symptoms can include: 


  • Difficulty in swallowing 
  • Breathing difficulty 
  • Pain around the neck 
  • Changes in voice.


If the thyroid nodule is hyperfunctioning, it would create excessive thyroid hormones, and the following symptoms would occur: 


  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Nervousness


What Causes Thyroid Nodules? 


The exact causes of what causes a nodule to develop in the thyroid gland is unclear. However, the possible factors that cause thyroid nodules include: 


  • Excess growth of thyroid tissues, i.e. adenoma
  • Chronic thyroid inflammation, i.e. thyroiditis
  • Deficiency of iodine
  • An autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.


Treatment for Thyroid Nodules?


If you are experiencing thyroid nodule symptoms, contact an expert thyroid doctor or the best endocrinologist in Chennai at Magna Centre. At the centre, if the patient is hypothyroid, they are treated medically. However, large benign nodules require surgery to relieve pressure. 


Contact the expert doctors at Magna Centre today to get an effective treatment for thyroid nodules or other thyroid gland related disorders. Visit today. 

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