Improving Global Microcatheter Technologies for Endovascular Procedures

Microcatheters are slender, flexible catheter tubes that are inserted through a guide catheter and navigated into the vasculature during minimally invasive endovascular surgeries and procedures.

Microcatheters are slender, flexible catheter tubes that are inserted through a guide catheter and navigated into the vasculature during minimally invasive endovascular surgeries and procedures. Typically ranging from 1-2 French in size (1 French = 0.33mm), microcatheters allow physicians to precisely deliver therapeutic devices such as embolization coils, stent grafts, and liquid embolic agents to target areas within the body. Some key functions of Global Microcatheter include selective cannulation of vessels, tracking and support of guidewires, and delivery of interventional devices and agents.

Advancements in Microcatheter Industry Design

Over the past two decades, extensive research and development efforts from medical device companies have led to major advancements in microcatheter design and performance. Early microcatheters were essentially simple plastic tubes with limited steerability and deliverability. Modern microcatheters now feature sophisticated engineering with advanced materials, intricate construction methods, and customization for specific clinical applications.

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Raj Dhote

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