Bye Bye Berba. Bye Bye Berba.

Bye Bye Berba. Bye Bye Berba. Bye Bye Berba. Bye Bye Berba.

Despite the fact Ive been calling him names for weeks (Greasy Bulgy, Greaseball, Sulkface etc) and taking just about every po sible oppurtunity to lecture just about any one who will listen to me about how Darren Bent and Dos Santos will provide cover for him; thus meaning hes effectively usele s to the club, Im still a little bit upset about Dimitar Berbatov leaving Tottenham. I mean, sure, I wont mi s his deplorable sulking. I wont mi s all the trouble hes caused Juande and the club and I certainly wont mi s the smell of grease wafting over to the crowd when he runs to take a quick throw-in (only joking!). But I will mi s his sublime first-touch, his effortle s goals and the kudos he gave to Spurs. When he was in the middle of one of his goal-scoring runs for the club it was like going on a date with a supermodel; he was just too good. His 4 goals against Reading, his numerous placed finishes, his Carling Cup penalty. Fantastic.But like the old saying; all good things come to an end. It will be awful seeing him in the blood-red of Manchester United. Awful seeing him score for them. Hell, it will also even be slightly painful watching him sulk for them. It will just feel alien.I dont know really why Im just so upset. Id been stealing myself for it for weeks. It was no secret he was going to leave, no secret that helping us to a 2-1 ddefeat away to Boro was going to be his last appearence in a Tottenham shirt. I mean, he was no Gary Neville, no John Terry was he? He had no real bond to the club, he had no duty to stay with us. But we did make him. If it wasnt for us hed probably still Christian Yelich Jersey be in the German league or something, wondering wheter he was ever going to make it at a big club. He might have moved from Leverkusen to Munich, he might have moved to the French league or something, but hed never be where he is now without us. We made him. Surely that counts for something?Maybe Juande had a part in it. We all know that Berbatov is the type of player who needs to be worshiped if youre going to get the best out of him. The crowd certainly worshiped him, but you just never Travis Shaw Jersey got the impre sion that Juande did. Big Martin Jol maybe, but Juande; hes more of a no-nonsense sort of guy, more the kind of bloke whod tell you to buck youre ideas up then give you a pat on the back. Maybe thats why he wanted to go. But Man U? Fergies not the loving kind of manger is he? Hes probably worse then Juande. Does Berba no what hes getting himself into???Im most probably clutching at straws. Hell most probably be great for Man Yoo. He most probably will win the European golden boot, and then score a hat-trick against us every time he visits the Lane. He probably will achieve more with the red devils.Bugger it Ive had enough of being sentimental. We wont mi s him that much. I mean, Darren Bent found the net against Chelsea, hopefully he could go on a bit of a scoring run. And Pavlyuchenkos arrived, he looks cla sy. Plus Berbatov really was a hinderence this season and at the end of last. All the moaning, all the sulking, all the I want to play for Manchester United theyre the best and Im the best and Tottenham are holding me back oh how horrible nonsense. Hes not even really that good! If you think about it, him and Keano (who is still a legend in my books) were relatively injury-free last season, and we could still only finish 11th in the league! Yup, he scored goals, but we now have Bentley instead of Lennon on the right (Bentley can score, Lennon cant), we have Luka Modric (who knows where the net is)in the middle and we have Gareth Bale back in the team (3 goals in 5 games last season tells its own story). If all goes according to plan, itshould be raining goals at White Hart Lane!His attitude at the start of this season really stunk. It was only the other day he said he was psycologically unfit to play against Sunderland, despite playing midweek for Bulgaria and scoring two goals. Then started all the Manchester United is my dream move rubbish. Meanwhile all of this was going on while he was still on the sidelines. Surely this just proves his arrogance, vanity and lack of respect for everything but himself. He was still OUR player, he was still being paid by US. He seemed to forget all of that.Its never nice to see your good players leave, but in this case, it was unavoidable. In my opinion, Levy was a bit of a mug for selling Keano and Berbatov. We need one of them. We should have tried harder to keep Keane because Berba was never going to stay. He was becoming a negative influence on the team. How must Modric, Giovani, Gomes and Bentley have felt when they arrived at the club and saw a player in a Tottenham shirt desperate to escapre the Matt Garza Jersey Lane? Berbatov never inspired confidence, did he?Spurs fans have got to try really hard to stop seeing the whole situation as weve lost a cla s player and more like weve gained 32mil plus a promising young forward (Campbell) on loan for a sulky git who wanted to leave. I dont think weve come out off this situation too badly. Campbell on loan till the end of the seasons a good capture, he looks promising and I know a few Hull City fans who are mad with jealousey. Plus we got 2 and a half more million then we wanted for him. That money, plus the money we recieved for Keano, Steed (Malbranque) and Chimbonda all but covers what Glenn Robinson Jersey we have spent this summer, and we havent exactly spent lightly have we? Us Spurs fans really should be quite happy with the deal.Alas; theres still one more thing bugging meIn my opinion the way Alex Ferguson and Manchester United have behaved is disgusting. They nearly wet themselves in fury when their beloved Ronaldo was being tapped-up by Madrid, but thats just what theyve done to Berbatov! They sent him ona medical before we had even agreed a deal with them, they spoke to him about a contract without as knowing and they publicly came out and said that he wanted to leave us! Its appaling! But we all know how pro-United the FA are. They wont have the guts to fine United, or order them to pay us compensation. In fact, theyll do exactly what there name suggests: FA. Its a shame Fergies such a hypocrite because nearly all the Man U fans I know are brilliant people. I find that, after us Spurs, theyve got some of the best fans and many Tottenham supporters have always admired Uniteds attacking style; its how Tottenham try to play.Well its all over now and, in a way, its like mourning someone. At least Keano left on a high, left us with a shed-load of fantastic memories and acrobatic cartwheels. But Berbatov.? To me, hes left on a sickening low, leaving us memories of shady dealings and a certain red-faced Scotsman. We deserve better. In fact, this post has turned into a bit of a eulogy, so lets do it properley, ey Robin Yount Jersey ?Dimitar BerbatovBorn: 30th January 1981Died: 1st September 2008Cause of death: Traitor-itus, inflicted by a strange Scotsman with a big red nose.Leaves behind a woeful strikeforce, Darren Bents crap, however his replacement Roman Pavlyuchenko looks good. The man who took his place could be promising, Fraser Campball.Ar, thats a fitting tribute isnt it. That could be engraved on a headstone and placed next to one of the goals at the Lane.Anyway to end this post Id like to include some words from the Bulgarian turn-coat himself. Hopefully this will be the last time I post something like this. Hell, I doubt Ill be this confused and gutted when Darren Bent leaves! By the way can any United fans (or any fans for that matter) reading this leave a me sage and tell me what they think on the saga. So far peoples reactions have been 50/50, 50% think we shouldnt have sold him, 50% think we were right to sell him. Thanks very much.The fact Tottenham wanted me from the beginning, stood by me, always liked me and wanted me to come here, they were the first team to contact me, I really appreciated it and that is why I chose to come. Joining Spurs is a dream come true.On joining Spurs, Summer 06Even more importantly, I recognise that Tottenham has given me everything in order to make my time in the Premier League a succe s and I feel stupendously grateful to them. So Im happy where I am. On speculation regarding him joining Man Utd, summer 07Tottenham need to let me go. I have to follow my dream. On joining United, 2 weeks ago.Joining Manchester United is a dream come true for me. I look forward to playing my part in helping this club win more honours in the years to come. On joining Man Utd, yesterday


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