Keto Strong: Don't Buy Read this Review OFFICIAL

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we are used to compensating for this deficiency thanks to the use of proteins and fats that through a physiological mechanism contraindications (I have not explained it to you so as not to bore you ...) are transformed into glucose (sugars ) to be used when needed. Keto Strong If you are like most of the people around the world who grew up on bread, pasta, fruit juices, cereals, cookies, breadsticks, you have created a formidable "sugar burning" machine. making you dependent on a regular intake of dietary carbohydrate ingredients. And there is much more ... to function as an engine that burns predominantly sugar rather than fat will lead to systemic inflammation, Keto Strong views weight gain for life and more likely to suffer from metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. . High levels of glucose (sugars) and therefore also insulin, will alter the fat cells in such a way that it will become increasingly difficult to lose weight. If the body is used to burning sugar instead of fat, the brain will increasingly signal the need for a source of sugar, creating a vicious cycle that can last a lifetime. We have inherited an incredible fortune: that of being genetically predisposed to burn fat, but due to the infamous food choices we are completely changing our feedback genes, accustoming them to burn only sugars. Let's think about it ... over the last 30/40 years obesity has steadily increased, however the proportion of fat in people's diets has drastically decreased (use of light / fat free foods), maybe it will mean that it is not really all fault of the fats that we introduce? 

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