What Your Dreams Mean: How Antaratma Helps You Understand Them

With the guidance of your antaratma, you can find valuable insights in your dreams that can help you on your journey of understanding yourself better.


Dreams can be strange and confusing. But did you know that your inner self, called antaratma, can help you understand what your dreams mean?

The Role of Your Inner Self in Dream Interpretation

Your inner self is the part of you that is connected to the universe. When you sleep, your inner self becomes more active, allowing you to access deeper parts of your mind.

By understanding the messages and symbols in your dreams, you can learn more about your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Your inner self acts as a bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind, helping you process your experiences and emotions.

Common Dream Symbols and What They Mean

One common dream symbol is falling. This often represents feelings of insecurity, lack of control, or failure in your daily life. Another common symbol is water, which can mean emotions, cleansing, or new beginnings.


Dreams about being chased or attacked often represent fear, anxiety, or a desire to avoid something. Dreams about flying can mean a sense of freedom, independence, or a desire to escape.

Interpreting Your Dreams with Your Inner Self

To interpret your dreams with your inner self, pay attention to how you felt during the dream. Ask yourself how you felt when you woke up and what parts of the dream stood out to you.


Next, think about the symbols and metaphors in your dream. What do these symbols mean to you personally? How do they relate to your life experiences and emotions?

Finally, reflect on the messages and insights your inner self may be trying to give you through your dreams. What lessons or guidance can you take from your dream experiences to help you in your life?


By using your inner self, you can unlock the secrets of your dream interpretation and learn more about yourself. Whether you're facing challenges, seeking answers, or just curious, exploring your dreams can help you grow as a person.


So the next time you have a vivid dream, take a moment to think about what it means. With the help of your inner self, you can find the hidden messages and insights in your dreams, and use them to guide you on your journey of self-discovery.

