How to Save on Toilet Flushing: 5 Proven Methods

The average healthy adult urinates about eight times a day and once at night. Most healthy children aged 7–15 urinate three to eight times a day. A person may poop three times a day to three times a week.

One person can use the drain about 12 times per day. The more residents in the apartment, the greater the benefit from saving on water. Especially if there are small children, elderly people and people with diseases of the urinary system in the house.

I will tell you how to save on housing and communal services. I calculated the benefit using the example of a hypothetical Moscow family of three: two adults and one child. They have no health problems, they all study and work from home.

Install a two-stage tank emptying system
Annual savings: 2552.52 ₽
How much you need to invest: the price of a dual flush system is 500-1000 ₽, you can initially provide this option when choosing a new toilet or installation

How the method works. The push-button flush mechanism can be single-level or double-level. If there is one button, the same volume of water is always drained - usually there are six liters in the tank. If there are two buttons, the large one causes a full drain, and the small one - a partial drain.

You can make two buttons on an already installed toilet by simply changing the fittings in the tank. The fittings are the insides that are responsible for filling and flushing. You can replace the fittings yourself using videos on YouTube or call a plumber; in 2024, craftsmen charge 1,000-2,000 ₽ for this.

peter sons

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