A guide to boosting truck mileage

Improving your truck's fuel economy results in cost savings over time. It also reduces your truck's carbon emissions and carbon footprint.

Today, the cost of fuel is increasing, and environmental concerns are also present. Consequently, it is important to optimise your truck's gas mileage. Boosting your vehicle's fuel economy lets you decrease your carbon footprint and save money. Let us understand more about truck mileage and consider various tips that help increase it. 

About truck mileage 

Truck mileage, also known as fuel economy, is the distance a truck can travel on a particular amount of fuel. Boosting truck mileage decreases emissions and fuel costs, positively affecting the environment and your wallet. Trucks with a history of proper maintenance and better fuel economy also usually have higher resale values.  

If you are looking for Kenya trucks, try models that ensure optimum efficiency and decreased operational costs without compromising superior fuel economy. 

How to increase truck mileage? 

Small changes in maintenance routines and driving habits result in a major difference in the overall fuel economy of your truck: 

  • Decrease excess weight 

Overloading a truck beyond its payload capacity increases wear and tear, safety hazards, and decreased fuel efficiency. Excess weight in your truck can significantly influence fuel economy. Therefore, remove any unnecessary items from your vehicle's bed or cabin to lighten the load. Every additional pound you carry decreases your truck's overall efficiency. 

  • Ensure regular engine maintenance 

A well-maintained engine typically works more efficiently. Therefore, follow the recommended maintenance schedule for your truck. This includes ensuring air filter replacements and the right motor oil. 

  • Reduce idling 

Idling uses fuel without moving your truck. Hence, turn off the engine when waiting at a drive-thru or keeping your vehicle parked for long periods. Moreover, modern engines are designed to restart efficiently. Hence, you need not worry about excessive wear and tear. 

  • Ensure proper maintenance of the tyres 

You can consider various models and choose a suitable light commercial vehicle. However, if you want a simple and effective method of increasing your truck's fuel economy, ensure your tyres are inflated correctly.  For this, regularly test and maintain the recommended tyre pressure. 

  • Maintain consistent speed 

Changing the speed frequently, such as stop-and-go traffic, reduces your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Hence, avoid excessive speed and change your driving conditions. Try maintaining a steady speed whenever possible. This helps decrease the fuel consumption. You should also practise gradual and smooth braking and acceleration. This minimises fuel consumption. 


Improving your truck's fuel economy results in cost savings over time. It also reduces your truck's carbon emissions and carbon footprint. When boosting truck mileage, consider tips like ensuring proper tyre maintenance, reducing excess weight, maintaining consistent speed, etc. 

Ravi fernandes

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