Mirollex Exit Scam

Mirollex Exit Scam
Mirollex Exit Scam
Mirollex Exit Scam

Hello my friends! Thank you for being here with me today. Unfortunately I’m here today telling you the news about the Mirollex exit scam. Their website just went down a few hours ago. So, I had done a couple of reviews on this company a few weeks and months ago. And on these reviews I was warning people to not join this company.To get more news about mirollex, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

So, one of the first things that I noticed about Mirollex is that their CEO was not legit. He went by the name of Andreas Kral, but this guy didn’t really exist outside of the company. In fact, he ended up being a payed actor. We learned about this publicly from the guy himself telling people about it. So,there is some controversy about a video that Andreas posted on Youtube. Some people don’t believe that it was him. We can’t tell 100 percent for sure, but I do think there is a good chance that it was him.

Mirollex Exit Scam – Scammers Tricks
But the reality is that these scammers always come out with new ways to trick people into these scams. Whatever the case might be, the fact is that this company was a scam since the beginning. After Andreas made that Youtube video, then the real Andreas released a video telling people that the Youtube video was fake. He told people that this video wasn’t really him. Right in this same video, the real Andreas actually introduced a new investing plan where you would invest a minimum of 15K.

This is where I really started warning people about their exit scam coming up. So, I’ve seen this trend before. What these companies do is to try to get as much money as possible before they exit. So, this usually starts happening when the recruiting starts slowing down. Because the reality is that these companies are not really doing any trading or mining for you. So, that’s what they want you to believe. But the reality is that they are just generating income from new members joining. It’s a scam.

High Returns Not Realistic
So, another thing to keep in mind are their extremely high promises on their returns. These companies have all sorts of plans that have very unrealistic numbers. And if this was true, anyone could literally become a billionaire in just a couple of years. But unfortunately some people buy into it because the scammers make their websites look very professional.

My advice is always to first of all take a look at their CEO. See who is behind the company. Now, don’t just look at the name and assume it’s true. Then you need to type in their name on Google and see if they have any footprint on social media. What you will find out is that most of the times these so called CEOs don’t even exist outside of the company.

So guys, when I warn you about these companies, I don’t just do it for fun. I really can see this coming based on the facts that I’m able to find out. So next time you are thinking about joining any of these companies do a little research, or just ask me to do a review and I’ll be more than happy to do that for you.We will walk you through to get set it up correctly, and we will help you make your first sale. On top of that, you will get a ONE on ONE mentor to make sure you are setting up your business for massive success.


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