The application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes stated, to the change and manipulation of man .The subject of technology is dealt with in a number of articles. For general treatment, see. For description of the materials that are both the object and means of manipulating the, see. For the generation of energy, see For treatment of food production, For the techniques of construction technology, see. For the manufacture and design of the means of For the processes and products of other industries. For medical applications of technology ,. For military applications, see.
Tenor Drum,
cylindrically larger and more deeply toned than the closely related and defective traps. It is usually about 18 inches (45 cm) in diameter and 14 inches (35 cm) high and is usually struck with two soft-headed sticks. The heads are tensioned by ropes or metal rods. Like the snare drum, the tenor drum of the tabor descended. Although commonly associated with military orchestras, especially since the early 19th century, it sometimes appears in orchestral scores, such as opera (1946).
Window, opening in the of a for the admission of light and air; windows are often also arranged for the purposes of architectural decoration. Since early times, the openings have been filled with stone, wood or iron gratings or lights (panes) of glass or other materials such as mica or, in the Far East, paper. Modern windows are almost always filled with glass, although some transparent plastic is used. A window in a vertically sliding frame is called a sliding frame: a single-hung frame has only one half that moves; in a double-hung scarf both parts slip. A opens sideways on a hinge. Windows are a very old invention that probably coincides with the development of fixed and enclosed homes. Representations of windows appear in early murals in Egypt and in reliefs from Assyria. The Egyptian examples show openings in house walls covered with carpets, such as the doors themselves. Assyrian windows were almost always wider than they were high and were subdivided by small colonets.
Fashion industry, multi-billion dollar global enterprise dedicated to making and selling garments. Some observers distinguish between fashion (which makes "high fashion") and the clothing industry (which makes ordinary clothes or "mass fashion"), but by the 1970s the boundaries between them had blurred. Best defined simply as the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn by groups of people at any given time. There seem to be differences between the expensive designer fashions displayed on the runways and the mass-produced sportswear and street styles sold in malls and markets around the world. However, the fashion industry is the design, manufacture, distribution, retail, and promotion of all kinds of clothing (men, women and children) of the most rare and expensive haute couture (literally, " an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another and sold in a third. For example, an American fashion company can obtain materials and have the garments manufactured, finished, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers and it remains so in the 21st century. However, employment declined significantly as production increasingly moved overseas, particularly to China. Because data on the fashion industry are typically reported for national economies and are expressed in terms of the industry's very separate sectors, figures for world production of and clothing are difficult to obtain. However, the industry undoubtedly makes'Paleontology, scientific study of life of those involving plant analysis and, including those of microscopic size, preserved in rocks. It is concerned with all aspects of the ancient life forms: their form and structure, evolutionary patterns, taxonomic relationships with each other and with modern living species, geographical distribution and interrelationships with the. Paleontology is mutually interdependent on and historical because fossils are an important way in which sedimentary strata are identified and correlated with each other. His methods of investigation include those of biometrics (statistical analysis applied to biology), which are designed to provide a description of the forms of organisms statistically and the expression of taxonomic relationships quantitatively. Paleontology has' played a key role in reconstruction and provided much evidence to support the theory of data from paleontological studies, in addition, petroleum geologists helped to detect oil deposits. The occurrence of such fuels is often associated with the presence of the remains of certain ancient life forms. Paleontological research dates back to the early 1800s. In 1815, the English geologist demonstrated the use of fossils for the study of strata. Around the same time, the French zoologist began comparative studies of the structure of living animals with fossil remains. The occurrence of such fuels is often associated with the presence of the remains of certain ancient life forms. Paleontological research dates back to the early 1800s. In 1815, the English geologist demonstrated the use of fossils for the study of strata. Around the same time, the French zoologist began comparative studies of the structure of living animals with fossil remains. The occurrence of such fuels is often associated with the presence of the remains of certain ancient life forms. Paleontological research dates back to the early 1800s. In 1815, the English geologist demonstrated the use of fossils for the study of strata. Around the same time, the French zoologist began comparative studies of the structure of living animals with fossil remains.
Sports, physical competitions pursued for the goals and challenges it entails. Sport is part of every past and present, but every culture has its own definition of sport. The most useful definitions are those that explain the relationship of sports to, games and competitions. "Play," wrote the German theorist Carl Diem, "is aimless activity, for its own sake, the opposite of work." People work because they have to; they play because they want to. Play is autotelic - that is, it has its own goals. It is voluntary and unforced. children who are forced by their parents or teachers to take part in a football match (soccer) are not really engaged in a sport. Professional athletes are also not if their only motivation is their salary. In the real world, as' a practical matter, motives are often mixed and often completely impossible to determine. Unambiguous definition is nevertheless a prerequisite for practical determinations as to what is an example of play and is not. There are at least two types of game. The first is spontaneous and unlimited. Examples abound. A child sees a flat stone, picks it up and sends it across the water of a pond. An adult realizes with laughter that he has uttered an unintentional pun. No action is with premeditated counsel, and both are at least relatively free from restraint. The second type of game is regulated. There are rules to determine which actions are and which are not. These rules turn spontaneous play into games, which can therefore be defined as rule-bound or regulated play. Leapfrog,, "play house," and I'm all games, some with fairly simple rules, others are governed by a somewhat more complex set of regulations. In fact, the rulebooks for games like basketball are hundreds of pages long. Like games, chess and basketball are obviously different from leapfrog and play house. The first two games are competitive, the second two not. One can win a basketball game, but it makes no sense to ask who won a jump game. In other words, chess and basketball are competitions. the second two do not. One can win a basketball game, but it makes no sense to ask who won a jump game. In other words, chess and basketball are competitions. the second two do not. One can win a basketball game, but it makes no sense to ask who won a jump game. In other words, chess and basketball are competitions.History no one can say when sports started. Since it is impossible to imagine a time when children did not spontaneously race or wrestle, it is clear that children have always included sport in their play, but one can only speculate about the origin of sport as autotelic physical matches for adults. is depicted in prehistoric art, but it can not be known whether the hunters pursued their prey in a mood of distress or with the joyful abandonment of sportsmen. However, it is certainly from the rich literary and iconographic evidence of all ancient civilizations that soon became an end in itself - at least for royals and nobles. Archaeological evidence also suggests that games were common among ancient peoples as diverse as the Chinese and Aztecs. If ball games were matches rather than non-competitive ritual performances, such as the football game kemari, then these were sports in the strictest defined sense. That it can not simply be assumed that these were matches is evident from the evidence given by Greek and Roman antiquity, which indicates that ball games were mostly playful pastimes such as those practiced by the Greek physician Galen in the 2nd century CE for health. recommended. . which indicates that ball games were mostly playful pastimes such as those recommended by the Greek physician Galen in the 2nd century HJ for health. . which indicates that ball games were mostly playful pastimes such as those recommended by the Greek physician Galen in the 2nd century HJ for health.
Industry, group of productive enterprises or organizations that produce or supply goods, services or sources of income. In, industries are generally classified as primary, secondary and quaternary; secondary industries are further classified as heavy and light.
Primary Industry
This sector of a country's economy includes and the withdrawal. It can be divided into two categories: genetic industry, including the production of raw materials that can be increased by human intervention in the production process; and mining industry, including the production of depletable raw materials that cannot be supplemented by cultivation. The genetic industries include agriculture, forestry, and management and fishing - all of which are subject to scientific and technological improvement of renewable resources. The mining industries include the mining of mineral ores, those of stone and the mining of mineral fuels. Primary industries tend to dominate the economies of undeveloped and developing nations, but as secondary and tertiary industries develop, its share of economic output tends. Secondary IndustryThis sector, also called industry, (1) takes the raw materials supplied by primary industries and processes them into consumer goods, or (2) processes goods that have been converted into other secondary industries into products, or (3) builds capital goods that are used to manufacture of consumer and non-consumer goods. Secondary industry also includes energy producing industries as well as industry.Secondary industries can be divided into heavy, or large-scale, and light, or small-scale, industries. Generally requires heavy capital investment in plants, serves a large and market that includes other manufacturing industries, has a complex industrial organization and often a skilled specialized and generates a large volume of output. Examples would include iron production and manufacturing, production, refining of non-ferrous metals and generation. involve non-standard products, such as custom or handicrafts. The workforce can be either low-skilled, as in work and manufacturing, and manufacturing, or highly skilled, ash and hardware manufacturing, precision instrument manufacturing, gemstone cutting, and craft work.