While the goals are ambitious, 5G also faces considerable challenges for the network. The increased capacity and data rates promised by 5G will require more spectrum and more efficient spectrum technologies, beyond what is currently used by 3G and 4G systems.

When deployed, 5G networks should provide higher speeds and capacities to support large-scale machine-to-machine communications and provide low-latency (delay), high-reliability services for time-critical applications. Based on trials so far, 5G networks are starting to show high performance in different scenarios, such as dense urban areas and indoor hotspots.nearby mcdonalds

While the goals are ambitious, 5G also faces considerable challenges for the network. The increased capacity and data rates promised by 5G will require more spectrum and more efficient spectrum technologies, beyond what is currently used by 3G and 4G systems.

Some of this extra spectrum comes from bands above 24 GHz , which presents considerable challenges. The first challenge is the inherent propagation properties inherent in mm Wave. These radio waves travel much shorter distances than mid-band ( 1-6 kilo Hz ) and low-band ( below 1GHz ) .

Therefore, covering a specific area will require a significant increase in base stations, which will increase the complexity of the infrastructure, including the need to deploy radio equipment on street furniture such as traffic lights, lamp posts, utility poles and power equipment.

Another challenge involves the 5G connectivity link between the base station and the core network (backhaul) , which relies on both fiber and wireless technology. Implementing fiber optic services and ensuring the availability of wireless backhaul solutions with sufficient capacity, such as microwave and satellite links, as well as the high-altitude platform ( HAPS ) systems that deploy these solutions , will require a lot of work.

Furthermore, spectrum is a scarce and invaluable resource, and competition for spectrum is intense – and increasing – at national, regional and international levels. Since the radio spectrum is divided into frequency bands allocated to different radio communication services, each frequency band can only be used by services that can coexist with each other without causing harmful interference to adjacent services.

ITU-R studies are aimed at examining sharing and compatibility between the mobile service and several other existing radio communication services, particularly in satellite communications, weather forecasting, monitoring of Earth resources and climate change, and radio astronomy.

National and international rules need to be adopted and applied globally to avoid interference between 5G and these services, and to create a viable mobile ecosystem for the future, while reducing prices through economies of scale in global markets, enabling interoperability and roaming. Therefore, it is crucial to identify additional spectrum used by 5G and possibly harmonize it at the global and regional level. For similar reasons, the radio technology used in 5G equipment needs to be supported by globally harmonized standards.


ITU plays a leading role in managing the radio spectrum and developing globally applicable IMT-2020 standards. Its activities support the development and implementation of international rules and standards to ensure that 5G networks are secure, interoperable, and operate without harmful interference to or from adjacent services.

Building on its experience designing International Mobile Telecommunications ( IMT ) standards in 2G , 3G and 4G , ITU is convening leading engineers and experts in mobile and fixed backhaul technologies to work on 5G and future generations of mobile broadband services.

Under ITU's IMT-2020 programmer, ITU members are developing international standards to enable well-performing 5G networks.

At WRC 2019, delegates identified additional radio frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT ) . This will facilitate the development of 5th generation ( 5G ) mobile networks, with the 24.25 – 27.5 GHz , 37 – 43.5 GHz , 45.5 – 47 GHz , 47.2 – 48.2 GHz and 66 – 71 GHz frequency bands identified for 5G Deployment of the network. WRC-19 also took steps to ensure adequate protection of Earth exploration-satellite services, including meteorological and other passive services, in adjacent frequency bands.  

5G trials have already begun in several countries and the results are being evaluated. In many parts of the world, 5G deployment strategies are already established. Some regulators are already auctioning licenses to operate 5G networks in frequency bands allocated to land mobile services by the Radio Guidelines ( RR ) . The first full commercial deployment of 5G is expected sometime after the IMT-2020 specification is finalized. Last update: December 2019



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