Why Use Fundamental Analysis?

Why Use Fundamental Analysis?Why Use Fundamental Analysis?

The point of fundamental analysis is to determine if a company is weak or strong within its industry and in general. If you determine from its key reports and other economic indicators that it is weak, considering a short position may be a smart strategy. The opposite is also true for fundamentally strong companies. Remember that fundamental analysis can be used to gauge the health of almost any underlying asset, not just stocks.To get more news about fxlift, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

For instance, a trader can conduct fundamental analysis on a commodity by examining the economic conditions in those countries that represent its biggest source of production. Bond traders might look at broader economic components, interest rates and the credit rating of the bond issuer. However, fundamental analysis is commonly associated with trading in the equity and foreign exchange markets. Traders have a lot of publicly available documents and other reports to analyze, including quarterly reports, debt, profits and revenues, future growth estimates and more, to try and get a picture of a company’s overall health.

Once a stock, currency, commodity, or index has been effectively analyzed, the idea is to arrive at its intrinsic, or true, value. If the intrinsic value of an asset is below the current market price, investors may opt to short the asset with the expectation that prices may fall to the intrinsic value with the passage of time. Similarly, if the intrinsic value of an asset exceeds the current market price, investors may elect to open a long position in anticipation of the asset rising in value.
Of the two main types of analysis that traders engage in to inform their strategies, fundamental analysis takes a more qualitative approach as opposed to technical analysis. The goal of fundamental analysis is to find the intrinsic value of an asset, such as a stock, which can be attempted by looking at the company’s financial disclosures and other economic reports. This helps a trader determine the true health and sustainability of the company, regardless of what the charts look like.


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