Essays on the HPV Vaccine

Among sexually transmitted diseases, the genital human papillomavirus or HPV is the most common. There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females, which can also infect the mouth and throat.

Among sexually transmitted diseases, the genital human papillomavirus or HPV is the most common. There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females, which can also infect the mouth and throat. Because of this, a great deal of effort was put into developing the HPV vaccine. Essays on the HPV vaccine discuss this vaccine, its efficacy, safety, history, and mechanism of action. Essays on the HPV vaccine should also look at the prevalence of HPV, the target population of the HPV vaccination, and vaccine implementation.

By thoroughly researching the topic using reliable sources on the HPV vaccine as well as by reading some examples of essays on HPV vaccine from our website you can gain additional data and information about the vaccine which will make for more informed essays on the HPV vaccine.

A good introduction for essays on the HPV vaccine is a brief history of the vaccines development. The development of the vaccine was initiated in the mid 1980s, and it was in 2006 when the US FDA approved the first preventive HPV vaccine, Gardasil, which is marketed by Merck and Co. In 2007, GlaxoSmithKline’s similar preventive vaccine, Cervarix, was approved in Australia and the EU. Essays on the HPV vaccine should also talk about the prevalence and safety of HPV vaccine. Vaccination of males and females is recommended but it is currently not advised for pregnant women. Essays on the HPV vaccine should then discuss the mechanism of action of the vaccine and highlight that the HPV vaccine is a preventive vaccine and does not treat HPV infection or cervical cancer. The vaccine’s efficacy should be examined in essays on the HPV vaccine also.  Both existing vaccines on HPV have been shown to prevent cervical dysplasia from the HPV strains that they target, that is, types 16 and 18 for Cervarix and types 16, 18, 6, and 11 for Gardasil. Lastly, essays on the HPV vaccine should cover the implementation of vaccination worldwide and ongoing research on the development of HPV vaccines that will offer protection against other types of HPV.

Sara Miller

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