Advocacy Marketing For Podcasts Marketing

Podcasts aren’t a fad anymore. Brands are launching their podcasts focused on solving prospects’ problems. But how does advocacy marketing for podcasts marketing

Advocacy Marketing For Podcasts Marketing


Podcasts aren’t a fad anymore. Brands are launching their podcasts focused on solving prospects’ problems. But how does advocacy marketing for podcasts marketing boost podcast reach? In the early 1980s, podcasts were famously known as ‘audio blogs’. That’s when podcasts gained popularity amongst the millennials and Gen Z. Podcast listeners have grown exponentially since 2004. Podcasts are an educational tool to learn directly from experts. Let’s dig into steps of understanding podcasting and see how can you reach millions with advocacy marketing- 


Podcast as a Thought leadership feature - Podcasts are a game-changer. They are variably less time-consuming and economical. Podcast listeners are social people. They share their views, snippets of interesting subjects, and more on their social platforms. Interestingly, 4058150 podcasts are registered and 424 million people are podcast listeners worldwide. It’s a remarkable approach to building podcasts into lead generation strategy over time by covering a wide range of topics and interviewees.


Approaching advocacy marketing - Social media marketing for your podcasts is a must. Create an online presence, especially for your podcast on every possible social media platform that your target audience is active on. B2B podcasting is paving the way for brands to reach millions of listeners. A thumb rule to keep in mind while considering advocacy marketing – is a good product/service accompanied by a remarkable customer experience. 


Advocacy and Trust - Advocacy marketing is gaining your customers’ trust for them to endorse you. But how do you gain trust? Podcast content needs to pivot the pain points of your target audience. According to Adobe Trust Report 2022, 29% of customers convey brands’ incompetence to safeguard, understand, and control how their data is used. 


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