We've listed all the PlayStation movies and shows Sony are making

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The entire PlayStation Movie and TV Show in DevelopmentSony is currently cooking up a ton of PlayStation-related movies or TV shows. In the past couple of decades, Sony has been revving up its recently created PlayStation Productions. The company is currently working on D2R Ladder Items at least 7 identified projects, some of which are in the initial stage of being an idea that was sketched on a whiteboard.

Some of them have been shot, some are currently preparing to shoot some are currently working on scripting, you get the picture. Needless to say, PlayStation is extremely dedicated to this venture which can't be said about a lot of other studios trying to make video games more adaptable.

PlayStation Productions released its first project earlier this year. It's its long-sought Uncharted. This film version of Naughty Dog's cult title has been in the works for over a decade, having exchanged ideas with many directors, writers, and actors.

The film's final version ended featuring Tom Holland in the role of Nathan Drake and although the film was not a big hit with critics, it pulled in some decent cash at the box-office and could be a great basis for another sequel, so it's likely that more live action Nathan Drake adventures are on the way at some point. An upcoming Uncharted sequel isn't the only thing on the Sony's agenda however.

We've listed all the PlayStation movies and shows Sony are making. There's a good chance that others aren't yet officially revealed, but this is the most current list that is either outright verified or reported by highly credible sources. Follow the link to Buy D2R Items view all of the projects that PlayStation Productions is working on.


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