Which Country Offers Better Education - China or the US?

We have seen many Chinese students leaving their country to study abroad.

We have seen many Chinese students leaving their country to study abroad. This number is growing consistently, especially after they pass out of school. However, Chinese parents still rely on traditional schools for elementary, middle and high school levels. Upon a survey, the same Chinese parents who consider sending their children to America for higher studies also believe that their own education system is the best. So, what differentiates the Chinese and American styles of education?

  • While the Chinese education system is considered better for laying the foundation of education, American education aims to cultivate the students’ creativity.
  • Chinese education focuses on accumulating knowledge. The Chinese system teaches the students to manage and use the knowledge they learned in school within the existing structure. On the other hand, the American system is more focused on teaching students to use their knowledge for the betterment of society.
  • In Chinese education, basic calculation skills are vital. From elementary level through high school, Chinese students are restricted from using calculators. Instead, they focus on strictness and precision, thus improving retention. In contrast, American education focuses on improving self-determination, assuredness, comprehensive thinking and independence.
  • The working styles of Chinese and American students are also different. When doing homework, Chinese students usually take notes and memorise the facts. However, American teachers don’t believe in memorising and class notes to assess students' creativity or leadership skills. Instead, they believe in honing these skills by taking part in extracurricular activities. The parents and teachers in America believe that there are many ways for an American student to be involved in the betterment of society. Americans believe education should be a part of life and must not be limited to school.

Education is an essential part of a country’s culture, and different education systems show us the difference between them. The American and Chinese education systems may be good, but it depends on the country and the student. None of these two education systems is perfect and needs improvement. But what’s important is to develop an awareness and acceptance of other cultures and knowledge.

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Source : Which Country Offers Better Education - China or the US?





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