The most recent addition to Lost Ark's ever-growing class

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Vykas ist eine Dmonin, die an eine Succubus erinnert. Whrend des Kampfes spielt ihr Charme" permanent eine wichtige Rolle, auch im Gameplay. So Lost Ark Gold musst ihr stets darauf achten, ihr nicht zu sehr zu verfallen, da das schnell tdlich enden kann.

Der Hhepunkt findet in einem Tipp-Test statt. Startet dieser, seht ihr eine kleine Cutscene, wo euch Vykas lustern ins Ohr sthnt und euch mit ihrem dmonischen Krper ablenken mchte. Dabei musst ihr in kurzer Zeit eine zufllige Folge von Buchstaben richtig eintippen, um die Mechanik zu bestehen.

Je mehr Leute dabei versagen und der Dmonin erliegen, desto schwerer wird der Rest des Kampfes fur euch.

Amazon Details Lost Ark's New Card-Slinging Arcanist Class Prior To the 20th of July Public Release

The most recent addition to Lost Ark's ever-growing class roster will be available on July 20th, this time as an advanced class of the mage type, the card-slinging Arcanist.

A blog post by the Lost Ark's Western publisher Amazon describes the way in which the new class will be used ahead of its July-based update. The Arcanist is about imbuing the deck of cards with powerful magic that can deal damage to enemies, in the Gambit style. Arcanist abilities come in three varieties: Normal skills including Stacking and Ruin skills.Normal abilities aren't fancy they can cause damage, and create a unique card Deck meter. Skills for Stacking and Ruin, however, are what makes the Arcanist distinguish themselves. Skills for stacking can build up four stacks on an opponent's target. If the Ruin skill strikes that area, all stacks will be consumed, resulting in the potential for huge damage.

The Arcanist's special skill is Card Deck can allow her the ability to randomly draw cards out of a deck, that can be used to create various effects, that range from giving an increase speed of attack to making every attack have a greater likelihood of Cheap Lost Ark Gold being a crucial strike. The players can keep two cards drawn at a time , to use as they want, making possible devastating combinations.


102 Blog posts
