In the world of shooting sports, hunting, and self-defense, safety has to be one of our main concerns. We keep our guns locked up, ear and eye protection on, and try our best to follow every safety precaution we can think of. But, as you already know, life is often unpredictable. Bad things do happen from time to time. That’s why many of us choose to concealed carry in the first place.To get more news about zeolite hemostatic dressing, you can visit official website.

While we can’t predict every bad situation, we can mitigate some risks. On this list, we have eight first aid kits that can help you get out of a jam. For each of them, we’ll go over the contents, their applications, and situations you might want to use them in. After looking at this list you’ll hopefully find one (or more) kit that will suit your needs.

Before we get into the list, though, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost is access. The first aid kit you left at home is of zero use to you or anyone else when you’re not at home. It’s a good idea to keep a kit close by in your car, in your range bag, or on your person. Second, having the right gear can make a major difference, and it’s up to you to make sure you have it. Regardless of kit, I recommend some non-latex gloves (they’re good for everything from oil changes to gunshot wounds), saline solution for wound cleaning and eye flushing, and a multitool for anything that may come up. For those of us who carry firearms or might be around them: a tourniquet and some clotting gauze should be part of your daily carry items as well.

Third, consider a multi-tiered system. Keep the kit where things make sense and you’ll actually carry them. For example, a big kit at home means that in the event of a natural disaster, you’ll be well-stocked. Having a smaller kit in addition to the larger one, for example, a kit in your car means you’ll have at least some stuff when you do need it. Finally, if you’re going to the range, where there are firearms, have a small trauma kit right on your person or in your bag.

Ultimately, think tactically. Tactics are merely matching experience with gear and some smarts to get you home in one piece and accomplish your mission. Thus, if you’re in an office, a few bandages in your desk might well be a sensible tactical kit for you. If you’re the kind of person who concealed carries, having some trauma gauze in your backpack or briefcase might save your life at some point. This is especially true for folks who are on medications: having what you need when you need it is a fundamental principle of good tactics. Also, consider getting some good training. Many local organizations such as schools, hospitals, and even churches offer basic first and CPR courses to the general public. These are often free or cheap and could save a life when you need it.
First on our list is the Tianbo First 120 piece tactical trauma kit. As the name implies, this kit is reasonably well outfitted. It has bandages, a blanket, tourniquet, creams and ointments, all of the usual first aid kit stuff. What stands out to me, in this case, is the inclusion of a couple of tools. Specifically, scissors, tweezers, a knife, and a whistle. These tools allow you to expand the uses of the kit beyond simple first aid and will help you make due with what you have while administering aid to yourself or others and let you signal for help. In terms of form factor, this kid only weighs 1,3 lbs. and can be secured to MOLLE kit, which means that you’ll have it on you. This would be a good kit to have strapped to a pack (so you can access it in a hurry), in a car, or in a range bag.

Next up is a little larger kit, the Monoki 302 piece survival kit. This kit begins with a solid base of medical supplies: bandages, swabs, gloves, gauze, and two ponchos. All of these are present in the volume, making this a great kit for multiple people or long term. Where this kit stands out, again, is in the extra tools it includes to help get you out of a jam. There’s a multitool, compass, fire-making equipment, saw, and a flashlight. There are backups of several. This particular kit basically comes in a small carry bag: it might be a little big for EDC but would be at home in a bugout bag or in the trunk of a car. If you need a kit to get yourself, and your family, out of a jam, this one would be a solid call for general purpose usage.

For a little more firearms/trauma oriented kit, we have the Lightning X Products Premium kit. This one is small but mighty. The kit contains gauze of various kinds, as well as clotting gauze, a tourniquet, and the usual supplies to keep things clean. Where this one stands out is in the specific trauma kit. Particularly, the inclusion of Israeli bandages and intubation tubes turn this kit into a nicety into something that, in skilled hands, can seriously aid in lifesaving at the scene of an accident or after a shooting incident. The package comes in a small, durable, MOLLE compatible package that would fit right in attacked to a pack or, if you were really serious, to a plate carrier.


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