DMI Study Materials

Of systems with different type of DMI, is the orientation of the spin rotation. Therefore, for a crystal with T or ${D}_{2d}$ symmetry, the profile of the my component resemble the mx profile of the interfacial DMI case, which is according to the spin rotation favoured in the T and ${D}_{2

For testing purposes, in every case we have specified micromagnetic parameters for an artificial material with a strong DMI and uniaxial anisotropy, as shown in table 1. This material has associated an exchange length of ${L}_{\mathrm{ex}}=\sqrt{2A/({\mu }_{0}{M}_{{m{s}}}^{2})}\approx 5.3\ \mathrm{nm}$ and a helical length of ${L}_{D}=4\pi A/| D| \approx 54.5\ \mathrm{nm}$. Additionally, the characteristic parameters from equation (13) are Δ = 5.7 nm and ξ = 5.7 nm, which means Θ ≈ ±0.66 rad at the boundary or mz ≈ ±0.75. Simulations were performed with the finite difference OOMMF, Fidimag and MuMax3 software. In our examples we used a discretisation cell of 1 × 1 × 1 nm3 volume, whose dimensions are well DMI Study Materials below the exchange length. The final magnetic configurations were obtained by relaxing an almost ferromagnetic state, i.e. m ≈ (0.00, 0.11, 0.99), using either the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation or a minimisation method. The profile of the z-component and either the x-component of the magnetisation, for the case of interfacial DMI, or the y-component for the bulk DMI case, specify the Exam Dumps chirality of the magnetic configuration. To obtain the correct chirality in the simulations the DMI energy expression must be discretised according to the procedure shown in appendix A. For a one-dimensional system, and since we are using common magnetic parameters, the major difference between the m profiles.


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