The rock properties provide the vital link between the observed geophysical data and the interpreted geology. Geoscience Australia and its state and territory partners periodically perform measurements of rock properties to support various investigations into the composition and structure of the Earth.
The Rock Properties project consolidates this information into a single database structure and makes it accessible to external clients via the Web Discovery and Delivery Application, Web Mapping Service (WMS), and Web Feature Service (WFS).
We chose to focus initially on mass density and magnetic properties including magnetic susceptibility and natural magnetic residuals, as these are of paramount importance to important magnetic and gravity datasets held by the Australian region by Geoscience Australia. Additional feature types and more comprehensive data sets will be added over time.
We invite you to contact us if you have rock proprietary data that can be considered for inclusion in the database. For the data to be appropriate, it must be located and measured using recognized technology, and not be made available through any other online service. We also invite you to provide feedback on the project, scope, data sets, and web application to help us provide the best possible service to our customers.