It also blended it with Lawrence's actual Madden 23 coins bonuses for signing from the Jaguars -- reporting it as $24.1M and using Spotrac as source. source."The presumptive No. 1 overall pick for the 2021 Madden NFL 23 draft, almost surely headed to Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville Jaguars, has partnered with a world-wide cryptocurrency investment app known as Blockfolio and plans to transfer the money he earns from signing into an account of the company."
"According to Spotrac, the signing bonus this year's No. 1 selection is $22.630.055." So now we are dealing with an endorsement from Blockfolio, probably not much in comparison to other endorsement deals that was paid in crypto . And recently, it's been tied to Lawrence's enormous Madden NFL 23 signing bonus from the league. However, it's been misrepresented that the cash was transferred into crypto. Whatever the reason, whether it's a genuine mistake or a plot to turn a story seem more sexually attractive, we're left at the same spot: An endorsement deal with a crypto-related company was paid for in crypto and that's all there is to it.
On Tuesday, an editor from The Sun Sentinel took information published by Coinjournal in an unintentional tweet mocking The Jaguars QB. Of the course, it's true that it's not true -as there is no proof that Lawrence invested his $24 million in crypto. But this fact was mentioned in several stories claiming that Lawrence did not have the money and lost it, even though this isn't the instance.
All good news. Nobody should root for anyone who loses money, even as a source of schadenfreude. Trevor Lawrence is a really lovely guy. It feels rotten to think that he failed to make one of the biggest paydays of his football careerhowever, he likely only lost a chunk out of that endorsement deal. This is a bummer, but far from being a disaster.
A Madden NFL 23 player has been in the middle of one of the largest controversies the league has seen and the silence of the key players has never been more prominent. The latest allegations against Deshaun Watson are coming in and a suit concerning the quarterback is now extended to include the Houston Texans, but you'd never have any idea what was going on if you just paid focus on Madden NFL 23 directly or the Cleveland Browns.
On May 24 on May 24. Commissioner Roger Goodell said the league's investigation into Watson was closing down. At the time of writing, it was announced that the league had completed its investigation. The investigation isn't being seen, despite this season's Madden NFL 23 has reportedly been investigating Watson for the last 15 months.
In this whole process, Madden NFL 23 has held the position that it will not comment on an ongoing investigation. This is reasonable for a situation that lasts only a few months. However, it has been taking for more than a year. How long is needed? It is likely that Madden NFL 23 has learned enough to give an update on the process, or make preliminary findingsregardless of if additional allegations surface. As it stands the avoidance appears to be an attempt by the league to shield Watson as well as the other teams that are involved from scrutiny rather than uncover the truth, which is the whole point to conduct an investigation in beginning.It is expected that the Madden NFL 23 International Series will be expanding into Germany in the coming months The Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Seattle Seahawks due to clash to play in Munich at the end of November. To say that the fans are excited for the game is an understatement.
Not only did the game on the city's Allianz Arena sell out within minutes, but the league could have had the capacity to fill bigger number of seating than 75.024 that were available -- much more.According according to Alexander Steinforth, head of madden coins buy Germany, three million requests were processed.