Good drama movies to get online

The reason why feature films are hard hit is that they tend to deal with things that almost everyone can relate to in some way. Although we all like to think that we can put a meteor into space, or survive a holiday themed killer, we will never experience such things in real life. But we w


The Godfather
Yes, for all the follow-up films about the Mafia, this is almost zero, and it has been quoted and ripped off many times, so that it seems to be a cliche at this point. But please do not misunderstand. This is an epic full of indelible and completely living characters. The impressive cast has given life over the years: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, James Cain and Robert Duval. Do your best. The real landmark of the drama movie.

Chungking Express
Although you can include any number of Wong Kar wai's films in this list (after all, his In the Mood for Love is one of the greatest 100 films ever), Chongqing Express may be the best example of his sensibility and style. A tortuous story about love, regret and missing, this drama movie has a slow rhythm, but is full of style, wonderful music and fascinating performance. A movie different from the one you've seen, and you should see it.

Apocalypse Now
The nightmare of the Vietnam War was properly handled in the drama movie of Apocalypse Now. The director Francis Ford Coppola transplanted Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness into the story of an army officer whose mission is to bring back a rogue special forces colonel who disappeared in the jungle. The movie's iconic lines ("I like the smell of napalm in the morning!") And the sequence ("female warrior god riding" helicopter formation) has been branded in our collective consciousness, which is fully justified. Powerful and epic.

The parasite felt like a black comedy about class differences at first, that's all. But it will also let you fall into the almost surreal darkness and let you guess until the painful end. Feng Junhao's punches are absolutely zero, and every punch falls heavily. A movie you will think about for a long time after it is finished.

Dead Poets Society
Few films can give full play to Robin Williams' talent, but Dead Poets Society is definitely one of them. Williams plays a young and energetic English teacher. He inspired students in a stuffy and depressed boarding school in the late 1950s. This film is interesting, sweet and melancholy - it is also a celebration of Williams' ability to tease your funny bones and pull. Kay.

In the tortuous (and tortuous) dark journey into the Black Film Center, Chinatown is still regarded as an eternal classic, which is fully justified. Jack Nicholson's detective J.J. Kittis is an instant idol. Robert Towne's Oscar winning script enriches this dirty world with unforgettable lines and unforgettable characters. A drama movie that you may have heard more than you have seen is worth checking at any time.

Boys Don’t Cry
The true story of Brandon Tina (Hillary Swank), a transgender man living in Nebraska, is vivid and unblinking - not always an interesting watch, but still a fascinating one. Swank and Chloe Sevigny (as Lana, a young woman Brandon fell in love with) are very attractive on the screen. You will not forget the slow rolling of the inevitable tragic ending of the story.

wan lee

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