Ideas For Styling A Brown Rug

Rug House AU is one of the biggest importer of Oriental carpets and cowhide rugs. We are specialized in high-quality wool rugs/carpets and animal skins. All vintage hand-knotted Persian/Turkish rugs and hides are individually handpicked to enjoy the best experience of luxury.

Use it to your advantage if you spend the time and money making sure every aspect of your property is ideal. Although brown rugs don't initially attract your attention, they can add beauty and interest to any space with the proper positioning and style. Here are a few ideas for styling brown carpeting in your living room or bedroom to transform the area.


Move forward


Combining your brown carpeting with neutral household items is advisable if you want to make it stand out and seem trendy. Beautiful are white walls, beige flooring, and furniture made of dark wood. Additionally, neutral hues may enhance any design in your brown carpeting while still letting it stand out.


Remember that a modern area is all about crisp lines, angular angles, and little clutter when arranging your brown carpeting. Your chance to add color without detracting from a highly polished room design is to include homeware accessories.

Contrast Your Brown Rug to Add Interest


Although brown rug patterns might be eye-catching, they can blend seamlessly with your floor. Add color pops with complementary pieces like pillows and blankets if you want your brown rug to stand out. Suppose you're thinking of designing a space around your brown carpeting and are interested in interior design.


Consider some ideas that go well with brown, so they don't compete with it and enhance its aesthetic appeal. The same rule applies if your home has other intense hues; combine them with complementary hues for intriguing outcomes.


Pattern Add


A brown rug is a riskier color in design, but it is an intense and earthy color that makes any space appear more abundant. Without the proper home décor, brown may soon seem lifeless or monotonous. You may give your brown carpeting some life by picking items with matching colors and patterning.


You don't have to cover every square inch of your house with brown; a little contrast and white space also go a long way. Use it sparingly instead by coordinating the colors of your brown carpeting and pillows to create an earthy interior design theme.




The majority of brown carpets come in both plain and designer pattern options and come in sizes ranging from tiny to extra-large. Brown is a hot and neutral color. A brown rug goes well with color schemes that include orange, black, yellow, and red. It complements these colors wonderfully. Because it is a dark color that can absorb dirt and keep the surface appearing clean for a long time, a brown rug is also perfect for high-traffic areas.

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