Lifestyle changes can also help improve testosterone levels

In addition to eating more foods that can improve testosterone levels, the following lifestyle changes can also help improve testosterone levels.

If you want to naturally increase testosterone and HGH, combine weight training with HIIT training (high-intensity interval training).

Go to the gym at least three days a week and lift weights. Use your quadriceps, hamstrings, back, shoulders and chest and other larger muscle groups to lift weights 6 to 12 times to help your body maximize muscle.

Researchers at Ball State University found that "strength training can induce the release of growth hormone and testosterone."

Another study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center examined the acute effects of weight lifting on serum testosterone levels. The results showed that even moderate weight lifting and light weight lifting increased participants' serum testosterone levels.

In addition to weight training, interval training, such as explosive training, is the best overall combination to increase HGH. In fact, explosive training has been proven not only to improve testosterone levels, but also to help you maintain testosterone levels and prevent their decline.

Explosive training refers to exercising with 90% to 100% of your best efforts in a short time to consume the sugar (glycogen) stored in your body, and then recovering with low intensity in a period of time.

This will enable your body to burn fat in the next 36 hours to replace the body's important energy reserves. In addition to increasing your T level, it can also help you burn 3 to 9 times fat, lower your resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, keep your brain young by increasing circulation, and help detoxify by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Liver detoxification

Your liver is critical to testosterone levels. Studies have shown that when your liver is not functioning well, it can affect your testosterone secretion. This is because the liver has a binding testosterone 17 β - Hydroxyl enzyme.

A study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology pointed out that "90% of men with liver cirrhosis have decreased serum testosterone levels. With the progress of liver disease, serum testosterone levels will decline." This shows how important liver health is to testosterone. Numerous studies have confirmed the influence of liver function on testosterone.


For most men with low testosterone levels, if you struggle with depression, unforgiveness, anger and other problems, these things will reduce your testosterone level over time. This is a way for chronic stress to reduce your quality of life.

Mental and physical stress can be well treated, which is actually necessary for the body. The problem is that when you are under pressure for a long time, your body will fall into a state of constantly releasing cortisol (stress hormone).

A study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior in 2010 first proposed this point, when researchers conducted a clinical evaluation of the "dual hormone hypothesis". They found that when cortisol increased, testosterone would also increase, but soon after reaching the bottom, testosterone levels would be much lower than before cortisol began to work!

This means you want to find ways to relieve stress to maintain your testosterone levels.


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