Should I freeze meat that's been sitting in the fridge too long?

You've been cleaning out your fridge and you come across a package of ground beef that's been in there for a little too long. You're not sure if it's still safe to eat, so you ask Google for an answer.

You've been staring at the package of ground beef in your fridge for a few days now, unsure whether or not you should cook it. You remember reading something about meat going bad after a certain amount of time, but you're not sure how long ago that was.

You debate with yourself for a while before finally deciding to look up the answer online. After reading through a few articles, you come to the conclusion that the meat is probably still safe to eat - but only if it's been frozen.

You quickly wrap the beef in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer, relieved that you won't have to throw it away. You promise yourself that you'll be more careful about checking the expiration dates on food from now on.

Ryan Reynolds

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