A few exercise routines to follow in your exercise snacking routine

These are easy and can be done at any time of the day

These are easy and can be done at any time of the day

Setting aside a whole hour or two from the day for exercise may not be possible for everyone. While some have time constraints, for some to spend that attention span doing monotonous work can be a challenge. To cub this lethargy and push the body into doing the necessary movement of the body, there is exercise snacking. The whole idea is to do the exercises but in intervals without making the body and mind boring. And just like regular exercise, this exercise routine helps build muscle strength and cardiovascular health. Apart from that, doing short exercise before meals also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. So here are some of the exercises that can be performed in exercise snacking.

Sit and stand up

All this exercise requires one to simply sit and then stand up. This exercise is simply a repetition of rising up-right from the seating position, preferably a chair, and returning back to a seating position.

Remember to keep the arms folded at the chest, this will prevent from using the arms to rise up and sit down. By doing so, the body is letting the legs do the work.

Initially do only as many sit-downs as the body allows. But with a time record the number of sit and rising up.

Standing with knee bend

With the support of a chair, table, or bed, or a rod that lets the elbows straight when hands are placed on it, stand up. Make sure that the elbows do not bend when you are using the support for balance.

Standing upright, slowly raise one at a time by bending the knee to a right angle and pushing the feet back. Slowly, return back to the floor and repeat with the other leg.

March on the spot

This is the simplest and most basic of the exercises that people should be doing at all times.

Stand up at a spot and stretch the arms out in front of you with the hands stretched out at waist height with palms facing down.

Now raise one leg up by bending the knee. Raise it as high as so that the thigh comes to a horizontal position. It should be such that the palms on top of the thigh should touch the palms.

Take support if necessary to maintain the balance. Then repeat with another leg.

Source: https://www.buzztribe.news/a-few-exercise-routines-to-follow-in-your-exercise-snacking-routine/ 

Read A few exercise routines to follow in your exercise snacking routine

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