Speed reading The skill of reading is one of the most important skills that a person must master in his life, and the reason for this is due to the fact that reading constitutes a percentage ranging between 80-90% of the culture that a person obtains during his life, and it is known that the Arab peoples suffer from an acute shortage of This skill, as studies indicate that the average American child reads about thirteen books per year, while the Arab child reads no more than fifteen pages during the same period, and there are many types of reading; Among the most important of them: speed reading; It is a skill through which a person reads as much information as possible in a short time with the aim of obtaining various cultures, and in this article we will present some ways to learn speed reading. [1] The benefits of speed reading for speed reading are many benefits, including: [2] Access to information In different fields, reading achievement increased over a period of time. Get the information as soon as possible. Significantly increasing concentration, and thus clearly increasing the level of understanding and comprehension with the passage of time. Get more fun.
التحضير الإلكتروني لمادة الحاسب الآلي 2
Ways to learn fast reading To learn fast reading, the following steps should be followed: [3] Increasing reading activity, with the need to be as careful as possible on the general understanding of the read text, and to increase the speed every time this activity is practiced. Choose easy and simple books at the beginning, then move on to more difficult books. Avoid uttering words under any form, with the need not to make any sound, as well as avoid moving the lips, and get used to reading using the eyes. Transforming the read words into clear images in the imagination, because this step has the ability to increase comprehension and understanding, as one of the authors says: When reading and visualization combine, speed and perception become higher. Reading a group of words in one line, while training the eyes to increase the speed of eye movement between words. Move from line to line, from paragraph to paragraph, and from page to page very quickly in order to save time. Avoid reading information in footnotes or margins. Avoid going back to the read material even if it is not understood; This is to shorten the time, and because the author usually repeats the information again. Avoid anxiety if there is a lack of understanding at the beginning, because this is a temporary feeling and it will be eliminated later after getting used to this method.