Resisting Happiness – Is it wise? Here are 18 learnings

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Resisting Happiness is a bestselling book by Matthew Kelly that explores the nature of happiness and how to achieve it.


The book is a personal and introspective journey that invites readers to reflect on their own lives and to discover what is holding them back from experiencing true happiness. Kelly argues that most people resist happiness in many ways and that they are often unaware of it. Through a combination of personal anecdotes, insights from various spiritual traditions, and practical advice, Kelly provides a roadmap for readers to overcome the obstacles to happiness and find fulfillment in their lives.

In the book, Kelly explores the various ways that people resist happiness, such as by avoiding change, clinging to negative thoughts and beliefs, and engaging in self-destructive behaviors. He argues that these patterns of behavior are rooted in fear and that people must learn to overcome their fears in order to find happiness. Kelly also explores the role of spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, and mindfulness, in helping people to overcome their fears and connect with their inner selves.

Ultimately, Resisting Happiness is a book about transformation and growth. Kelly encourages readers to take a deep look at themselves and to confront their fears, so that they can let go of the things that are holding them back and find the happiness and fulfillment that they seek. The book provides a practical guide for anyone looking to improve their life and to find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

Whether you are looking to improve your relationships, your career, or your overall well-being, Resisting Happiness offers a path forward to help you achieve your goals and live the life you deserve. Here are key learnings from the book:

  1. The importance of self-awareness: Kelly emphasizes the importance of becoming self-aware and understanding what is holding you back from happiness. He writes, “Until you know what you believe, you cannot begin to live the life you are meant to live.”
  2. Letting go of fear: Kelly argues that fear is one of the primary obstacles to happiness and that people must learn to confront and overcome their fears in order to find happiness. He writes, “Fear is the enemy of happiness.”
  3. Embracing change: Kelly encourages readers to embrace change and to be open to new experiences, as this is a key part of personal growth and transformation. He writes, “Change is the key to growth.”
  4. Practicing gratitude: Kelly stresses the importance of practicing gratitude and appreciating the blessings in your life. He writes, “Gratitude is the foundation of all joy.”
  5. Fostering relationships: Kelly argues that relationships are the key to happiness and that people must work to build and maintain strong relationships with others. He writes, “Relationships are the greatest source of joy and fulfillment.”
  6. Engaging in spiritual practices: Kelly highlights the role of spiritual practices, such as prayer and meditation, in helping people to overcome their fears and connect with their inner selves. He writes, “Spiritual practices help us to connect with a higher power and to find peace and happiness.”
  7. Embracing simplicity: Kelly encourages readers to simplify their lives and to focus on the things that truly matter. He writes, “Simplicity is the path to happiness.”
  8. Pursuing your passions: Kelly stresses the importance of pursuing your passions and doing what you love, as this is a key part of living a fulfilling life. He writes, “Passion is the key to joy.”
  9. Letting go of negative thoughts: Kelly argues that negative thoughts and beliefs can hold people back from happiness and that they must learn to let go of these thoughts in order to find happiness. He writes, “Letting go of negative thoughts is the key to happiness.”
  10. Embracing vulnerability: Kelly highlights the importance of embracing vulnerability and being open and authentic with others. He writes, “Vulnerability is the key to intimacy.”
  11. Nurturing your soul: Kelly stresses the importance of nurturing your soul and taking care of your emotional and spiritual well-being. He writes, “Taking care of your soul is the key to happiness.”
  12. Investing in personal growth: Kelly encourages readers to invest in personal growth and to continuously work to improve themselves. He writes, “Personal growth is the key to happiness.”
  13. Cultivating a positive mindset: Kelly highlights the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on the positive aspects of life. He writes, “Having a positive outlook is the key to happiness.”
  14. Embracing imperfection: Kelly argues that people must learn to embrace their imperfections and to accept themselves for who they are. He writes, “Embracing your imperfections is the key to happiness.”
  15. Giving back to others: Kelly stresses the importance of giving back to others and contributing to the greater good. He writes, “Giving back to others is the key to happiness.” According to Kelly, helping others and making a positive impact in the world can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and joy to one’s life. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating to charity, or simply being there for friends and family, giving back to others is an important part of finding happiness and living a meaningful life.
  16. Forgiving yourself and others: Kelly argues that forgiveness is a critical aspect of happiness and that people must learn to forgive themselves and others in order to overcome resentment and move forward in life. He writes, “Forgiveness is the key to freedom.”
  17. Living in the present moment: Kelly encourages readers to focus on living in the present moment and not to get caught up in the past or worried about the future. He writes, “Living in the present moment is the key to happiness.”
  18. Trusting the journey: Kelly stresses the importance of trusting the journey and having faith that everything will work out in the end. He writes, “Trusting the journey is the key to peace.”


These 18 key learnings from the book Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly offer insight into how people can find happiness and live fulfilling lives. By embracing self-awareness, overcoming fear, practicing gratitude, and investing in personal growth, people can achieve happiness and live the life they are meant to live.

Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly, along with Adani’s philosophy, offer a powerful recipe for success and happiness. By embracing self-awareness, overcoming fear, practicing gratitude, investing in personal growth, and giving back to others, we too can find the happiness and success we seek in life.

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