If you're unaware, in Diablo 2 you would hire followers to fight the gates of D2R Items along with you, but when the followers were killed, you needed be able to rehire them using cold, hard cash. There was a new follower throughout each zone, which implies that there were some who were better than other followers.
This was changed in Diablo 3, where instead hiring mercenaries, players got three companions in the story campaign. You had the Scoundrel, Sorceress and Templar who represented ranged DPS tanks, ranged DPS, and magical users respectively.In my Diablo 4 adventure I only encountered friendly NPCs who stuck around for a dungeon or two then left to the sunset. When I asked Jackson what the follower function will work it was explained that "for the launch release version,, we will have a few locations in the story in which you'll see certain named NPCs following you and helping you as you figure out the what Lilith is up to throughout the universe.
"We don't have anything we can say about the Diablo 2-type follower you've hired – we're going to stick to the campaign at present." Accent on the for now.
With a wry smile , they continue "stay on the lookout, we might have something new in the near future to share, but there are no promises." This immediately led to an immediate response from the producer of the dungeon Ash Sweetring, who channelled her the"Mr. Burns with an 'interesting hand gesture that was playing in the background. This is what I call D2R Ladder Items Buy. If you're wondering if any variant of the follower system does make it into Diablo 4, I'd rather it was the hired gun from Diablo 2, rather than omnipresent players. I was impressed by the variety of abilities that followers offered with Diablo 2 and would love to see this expanded upon. It creates more options for different designs, and fantastic demon-slaying ability chains.