Everyone understands how important acquiring a CSCS card is. It could give you more opportunities to work in the construction industry in a range of positions with potential remuneration. However, not everyone can successfully pass the HSE test and receive the CSCS at the first try. Following is a story of a man who failed 9 times before he could obtain his CSCS cards on the tenth try.
Glen, a 25-year-old from Weston, ran out of ideas and went unemployed for six years. He made repeated attempts to earn a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) card, which was necessary for even manual labour, but he was always unsuccessful. He also had no computer skills, which made finding work even more challenging.
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He did not drastically alter his life until he was guided to the Work Programme, which was offered in Southampton. With the help of a dedicated team of trainers and advisors, he gained computer comfort, passed his CSCS test on his tenth try, and is now working as a hold carrier for a Christchurch brickworks.
Glen said that he didn't receive the necessary assistance until he was sent to this programme. He received step-by-step instructions on how to begin the work. He was enrolled in a course to better grasp computers as well. Before, he had no idea how to operate one, but now he can even complete his own tax return on one.
He also expressed his happiness when achieved his CSCS card on the tenth attempt: "It was an amazing feeling to get my CSCS card, it meant I could finally work on a building site.” He was then directed to a Sector Based Work Academy by the Jobcentre Plus, where he worked with SMP Brickwork Ltd. and obtained useful work experience. He requested an additional two weeks of unpaid work in the hopes of impressing, and it paid off because he completed it and was offered a full-time position.
See More: cscs free practice test
If you're looking to obtain your CSCS in order to work on construction sites, you must pass a test on health and safety in a construction environment. Online CSCS test prep is one option helping you get closer to your goal. There are numerous practice questions accessible for the various CSCS test topics. By using the free CSCS test online as practice, you may more accurately evaluate your learning progress and memorise questions.
For every section of the Construction Skills Certification Scheme exam, there are thousands of review questions in the practice exams. Each practice exam has four levels, with an increase in the number of questions from level 1 to level 4, making it easier for users to study. Of course, you are free to use the practice examinations as often as you like. You are given an endless amount of time to do the exams.
See More: free cscs practice test
You can feel confident knowing that these CSCS practice exams will help you lay the best possible foundation for the actual exam. Due to the simple exam interface, you will always get the best experience when you practise. To acquire your CSCS card, get ready by practising today!